Chapter 24

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Hayes keeps yelling at me, but i don't even know what i did. "You know what? I'm done! I never even liked you, i lied i loved and actually did bully you." The tears wouldn't stop streaming down my cheeks. He just laughed and started kicking me.

I jolted up breathing heavy. I rubbed my eyes and i could feel the tears still falling down my cheeks. It was a dream but it felt so real. "Hey, what's wrong?" Hayes' morning voice filled the dark room. "I-I had a-a n-nightmare." I stuttered. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me onto his lap.

He rocked me back and forth and drew circles in my back while i told him what my dream was about. "I'm so sorry for everything i've done, just know that i regret everything, and i would never hurt you ever again. I love you Justine." He kissed my forehead and rocked my until i fell back asleep.

I woke up to the sun shining into my room, and onto my face. I groaned then rolled over and looked up to see Morgan staring at me from my chair. "Good Morning." I smiled. "Good Morning." I sat up and realized that Hayes left. "Oh Crap!" Hayes yelled from downstairs. "I bet you $5 that he's burning whatever he's trying to cook." "Deal." We both got up and raced down the stairs.

And what do you know? He's burning a pancake. Max is just watching him and laughing his butt off while Jaidyn is trying to hold back her laugh. "C'mere stupid." I said with my arms out wide. He laughed then walked up to me and spun me around.

"Why were you trying to cook? Do you want to burn the house down?" I asked as he put me down. "No, i was hungry and i wanted pancakes." I rolled my eyes, then walked to the stove and threw away the burnt pancake. I put some butter in the pan, turned the heat down, then made another pancake.

"I should have just woke you up and made you make me pancakes." He said laughing. "Or learn how to cook?" (My sister's alarm went off, so i picked her phone up and put it by her ear...she didn't wake up.) He gave me the 'you better run look' so i started running and ran out of the house.

I ran around to the back of the house, then walked in through the back door. "Hayes is so stupid." Max said and Everyone laughed. "What?! Ugh you went around the house didn't you?" Hayes asked walking through the front door.

I nodded, and he shook his head. "What do you guys want to do?" Hayes asked hopping onto the counter. "Well, Morgan and i were gonna go to the beach once she gets out of the shower, and Jaidyn is coming with us, so i guess you can invite Jacob over and have a guys day while we have a girls day?" I said and Hayes looked sad.

Max did too. "But i want to go with you." Hayes whined. "Me too!" "Too bad! it's girls day, you can play video games and be boys." They both rolled their eyes and pouted. "We'll see you babies later." Jaidyn and i said in unison, then kissed both of our boyfriends. I kissed Max's check, then we left with Morgan.

We went over to Jaidyn's house, then her Mom drove us to the beach. "Bye girls, call me when you want to leave, i'll be at the little shops down the street." "Okay bye mom." "Bye Mum!" "Bye." Since Jaidyn and i are really close i call her mom mum. We found a spot and set all of our stuff up.

I was wearing a pink crop top styled bikini with black bottoms, Jaidyn was wearing a tie dye bikini, and Morgan was wearing a american flag bikini. Since Morgan and I are really pale, we decided to suntan for a while, then go into the water and do all of that stuff.

Bullied by Benjamin Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now