Chapter 30

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Today is the day that i wish would never come. Hayes has to leave at 12 pm. Matt and Jack left last night with Jess. I changed into a pair of Hayes Grier sweatpants, i kept his hoodie on. It is 8 am right now, and Hayes and i are going to Starbucks for the last time before he leaves. ( hurts.)

"You ready?" He asked grabbing his penny board. "Yeah." I grabbed mine, then we left. We held hands the whole way. When we got there, we picked up our penny boards and walked in. "What can i get you?" The boy asked. "Can i get a double chocolate chip frappe and a Caramel frappe?" "What size?" "Large." "Okay, that'll be $11.50." 

Hayes handed the guy the money, then we went and sat down at a table. I looked around, trying to distract myself. "Hey, it's going to be alright." He said putting his hand on mine. I looked into his beautiful blue eyes, and sighed. 

"Justine!" Hayes got up and grabbed the drinks, then we left. We rode to the little park across the street, then sat down on the bench and talked about all of our memories here. Before we knew it, it was already 10:45. We threw away our trash, then went home. 

When we got home, i helped him bring all of his stuff downstairs. "If you're going to keep something of mine, i want something of yours." Hayes said as we got the last of it by the door. I thought for a second, then took the necklace that was around my neck off and handed it to him. The necklace was given to be by Elizabeth when i was born, i never took it off.

"Something that means the world to me, for someone who is my world." He looked at it, then realized what it was. "I can't take this, it's yours." "Exactly, it's something of mine, for you to remember me by." "I meant like your stuffed bear that you always hugged when you needed someone in the middle of the night and everyone was asleep."

"You remember that?" "I remember everything." I looked down and smiled. I turned around and quickly ran up to my room and grabbed the white Valentines day bear that i've had since i was little. I ran back downstairs and gave it to him with the necklace. "Keep the necklace, i'll make sure to sleep with the bear by my side every night."

I sighed then took the necklace back and put it back around my neck. He pulled me into a hug, and kissed my forehead. We just laid on the couch until he had to leave. I was crying for the most part. I mean who wouldn't cry? Even Skylynn was crying.

"I'm going to miss you so much!" Hayes said squeezing me tight. All of our friends came to say good bye, well Jaidyn and Jacob, and a couple of Hayes' old friends. "I'm going to miss you more." I said crying into his chest. We kissed one last time, then he got into the car and left.

We decided to break up, but just cause long distance relationships never work, and not seeing each other for almost a year will pretty much kill us inside. Jaidyn has soothing me while Nash drove away with Hayes in the passenger seat. I would've gone with them to the airport, but they didn't want the fans to attack me.


The whole day Jaidyn and I stayed in my room eating ice cream, and watching Expelled over and over again. Jacob and Max would come check on us every now and then. Nash came home at some point. He watched the movie with us a couple times, then left. He said something about going back to the airport. He's probably picking up someone, i mean Hayes left a couple hours ago anyways.

Right now Jacob is passed out on the foot of my bed, Max is probably playing video games, Jaidyn and I are watching 'Life as we know it' now, and nobody else is home. I covered Jacob with a blanket, kissed his cheek, then crawled back to my spot and closed my eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.


"Justine, wake up." Someone whispered. I open my eyes to see Shawn. He smiled, then i closed my eyes and covered my face. I could hear him laugh, plus about 3 more people laughing. I uncover my face to see Nash, Cameron and Taylor standing in my doorway.

Bullied by Benjamin Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now