Chapter 10

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I'll be in my cave if you need me, but don't bother, i want to cry alone.


I woke up too Jacob's face. He looked so peaceful, i sat up, and looked around. Hayes was on the other bed, Jaidyn was on the floor, and i guess Max is on the third bed that is on the other part of our room. i checked the clock and it read '7:30' Ugh, i'm tired, i'm going back to sleep, good night. I laid back down, and fell asleep.


I woke up again to someone kissing my forehead. It was Jacob. "No, why did you wake me up?" "it's 12." "idc, i want to sleep for longer." he just laughed, then pulled me on to his lap, and i laid my head on his chest, while he ran his fingers through my hair. "C'mon you have to get up, Hayes is being a loser, Max is hiding under his bed so no one will bug him, and Jaidyn left already." "I don't wanna." "Lazy day?" "Duh." "Go take a shower, and i'll go get some movies."

I grabbed a crop top that said 'Don't touch my hair, boyfriend, or phone' and a pair of Hayes Grier sweat pants.(I was gonna get a pair for my birthday, but no they had to be sold out.) I jumped into the shower, and got all clean. I blowdried my hair, then put it into a messy bun. by the time i was done, Jacob was sitting against the headboard waiting to start the movie. "What movie?" "The giver." "Oh my god i love that movie!" "I know."

We watched the movie with Hayes, until Max finally woke up, and finished the rest of the movie with us. "That lady has problems." I mumbled as the credits rolled onto the screen. "Yeah, they really shouldn't be able to control what we say and do." Hayes said standing up then stretching. "Wanna go swim?" Max asked looking at us. "Sure, let me text Jaidyn."

Jus: Hey girly, wanna go swimming with us?

Jai: Sure, let me change, then i'll be right over.

Jus: Kk.

I grabbed my crop top styled tie dye bikini, then ran to the bathroom to change. I came out, and the boys were already changed. "Taylor would love you're swimsuit." Hayes said smiling at me. "I know." Jaidyn knocked on the door, then we all walked down to the pool. I put a water proof case on my phone, then jumped in with everyone else. "Here, give me your phone, and i will take a pic of you and Jacob under water, it will be cute please." Jaidyn begged. I rolled my eyes, then gave her my phone.

All three of us swam down under the water. Jacob and I held onto eachother and kissed.(Pic above) "That was so cute!" Jaidyn squealled as we came back up. She handed me my phone, so Jacob and I could see the picture. It was a really good picture, I posted it on instagram, then tagged both Hayes and Jacob. Most of the comments were hate from fans, most likely thinking that it was hayes.

Jacob and I decided to make a little video for instagram. "Guys, the picture i just posted was Jacob not Hayes, and really guys? You don't know Hayes, or me, so you can't be saying stuff like Hayes could do better, cause you don't know who he likes, or what kind of girls he's into." "I like Justine!" Hayes yelled. "Well you heard it from Hayes himself, he likes me, but he's lost his chance, mainly because he's been a jerk for the last 3 years, but we'll see what the future brings us, bye."

Then there were comments hating on me for saying he was a jerk, and others wondering what he did. "Hayes, go tell your fans that you are a bully." "hahaha funny." "I'm serious, or atleast comment on my video and tell them what happened." "Ugh fine, once we go back to the room." I looked over towards Max, and and saw that him and Jaidyn were hitting it off, they would actually be a cute couple.(I would have you be with Hayes, but imma be a butt and put you with Max lol Ily Jaidyn!)


A couple hours later, we left the pool, and went to go take showers and change into shorts and t-shirts for the guys, and shorts and crop tops for the girls (They are long crop tops, okay? they are just above their hips, plus their shorts are high waisted.) We walked to some burger place, and ate some really good burgers. (Everyone in other fanficts go to tacobell, but i hate tacos, so yeah. I also hate Pizza, because of the sauce, i know i'm an alien lol this girl asked if i was an alien when i told her. Don't hate me, i just hate tomatoes.I also hate subway, but only because my brother worked there, and after awhile of hanging out there for hours you start to hate it trust me, the only good thing there is the chocolate milk.)

A/N: Hey babes! I'll update soon, Ilygsm! Oh and if you like Dylan Dauzat buy his new song from the app store 'Mine Tonight'. And if you guys do like him, who else loves it when he in away kisses us on snapchat? I do! It could be cause he plays the older brother in my Clay LaBrant Fanfiction, or something else, but it always makes me smile. Bye love you -Justine

Bullied by Benjamin Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now