Chapter 17

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Since we didn't get home until late last night, i ended up falling asleep in my chair while i was reading a one direction fanfict. I woke up at like 2:30 and crawled into my bed, then passed out again until 11:30.


(I'm watching Maid in Manhattan, and the part where the lady gives the necklace to the little boy was on, and my cat looked at me right when it ended, as in saying that's horrible. lol)

I woke up to someone kissing me, at first i was scared, but when i saw Jacob i relaxed. "Good Morning Princess."  "No, i sleep." I said rolling over and cuddling up in the blankets. "nuh uh, you are getting up now." He said ripping the blankets off of me. All i did was curl up into a ball and try to fall asleep.

"Justine get your butt out of bed." Hayes said picking me up and carrying me of the room and into the guest room, where Dakota was staying. "Justine!" I looked up to see Melanie and Sean. "Hey Mel, Hi Seanie." 

(I'm rewatching season 3 of teen wolf, and Derek said exactly what i just said, and i squealed then did a happy

Hayes put me down, and we had like a little group hug. "Who's that?" Melanie asked pointing to Jacob. "Jacob Martin, he was in 1-2 grade with us." She just nodded. Jacob walked closer to me, and gave me the look he always does when he's about to kiss me. Then he kissed me. I could tell Sean was freaking out, cause out of know where Hayes and Dakota were screaming.

I pulled away, and Sean looked pissed. I pecked Jacob's lips and he just smiled at me. "Sean, chill we are dating." I said giving him the 'what is your problem?' look. He sighed and sat down. "When you two become a thing?" Melanie asked laying down and putting her legs on Sean. "The day after we left."

"How did you ask her?" "Well, we were in the hospital, and i just asked her." "Why were you in the hospital?" Sean asked tensing up. "Someone hit her with a rock, i was really confused why someone would do that, but then i met the fans." "You got hit with a rock?" "Yeah, i could have died, because it hit my temple." 

"Sissy!" Skylynn screeched running into the room and jumping on me. "Hey Sky." I said kissing her cheek. "Sissy?" Melanie asked. "Yeah, they adopted Max and I while we were gone." "So now you're Max and Justine Grier?" "Yeah, i guess."


We are all just in the backyard sitting by the pool. (If you don't remember, its late April.)  Only the people who either live here or are staying for a while are in their swimsuits. "Justine, are you sure you're not cold?" Asked Sean. I rolled my eyes, just because i'm wearing a bikini he turns into the annoying older brother who tries to make you hide your body. 

"Sean, i am fine." It's not like my bikini is too revealing, its a coral and white crop top styled bikini. "Dude, just leave her alone." Hayes said glaring at him. "Sean, get over yourself, Justine will never like you more than a friend." Melanie said giving him a stern look. "What happened while we were gone?" I asked looking at them.

"Sean has had a crush on you since kindergarten, but he was never able to talk to you, because you always had your 3 bodyguards with you." "You mean the scrawny boys right there?" I asked pointing to Jacob, Max and Hayes. "Hey!" Jacob and Hayes yelled while Max just nooded. "You were scrawny, Max still is." 

Max agreed, i mean if you just looked at him, all you see is skin and bones. We just hung out for awhile and swam, until Sean and Melanie had to go home. "i never realized how annoying that kid was." Max while shivering from the wind hitting his wet body. "Me either." I don't know if it was just today, or he was always like this, but he was being over protective of me, which was really not needed.

We all went inside, and got changed into clean clothes, after we each took showers to get the chlorine out of our hair. I changed into a coral crop top with anchors all over it, and dark washed high waist shorts. I was reading a story on wattpad when i got a skype call it was Jaidyn.

"Hey Chica." "Hey, i have some really good news." "you're moving to North carolina close to where i live?" "Yes!" "WooHoo!" The boys walked by and gave me weird looks. "Are the boys there?" When Max heard her voice, his eyes lit up, and he ran and jumped onto my bed. "I miss you so much." "i miss you too Max."

Soon enough all of the boys were on my bed making vines, talking to Jaidyn, or just sitting there. I got up, and went into my chair. "Where did Justine go?" Jacob asked. "In the chair."Dakota answered. The next thing i know, i'm being pulled out of my chair by Jacob.

"No! put me back!" I screamed causing Will, who just happened to be visiting to run into the room. "What's going on in here?" "Nothing, he just took me out of my hair." "Oh okay." "Aw, look at Willie being a protective big brother." "Oh shut up, you know you would do the same."

"I'm pretty sure we all would, Justine may be 14, but she's still the little fragile girl we know." Max said walking over to us and kissed my cheek. "Ew, Max kissed me!" I screamed and everyone just laughed. "Hey, wanna go to the park?" Hayes asked and everyone agreed. 

When we got there, I saw Nathan, and Noah talking. Since when were they friends? (Nathan:Max's friend. Noah:Bully/Hayes' friend.) "Hey, Hayes, have you seen Mason? I need to ask him something. We all kind just looked up at the sky, because he's up there. "You might be able to ask him, but we won't be able to answer." I said tears slidding down my cheeks. Jacob Rubbed them away, then hugged me.

"What do you mean? He always answers my questions." "She means he's dead." Max said in a pissed tone. "What?" He asked very confused. "What did you do to him?" he continued. "Nothing, he stole his brothers Alcohol and died of Alcohol posioning," Jacob asked glaring at him for accusing us for killing him. "No, he wouldn't do that."

"But he did." i said softly. Noah actually started balling. Huh, you would never think that your bully would cry infront of you until it happens. We talked for awhile, until it got late and we had to go home.

Follow @dallasloves3 and my instagrams: @clay_magcon @Dallas.loves and our shared account @Dakota_Clay_Baes thanks ilygsm -Justine.

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