Chapter 23

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"Guys i'm home!" Elizabeth yelled up the stairs. "Mommy!" Skylynn stood up, then raced down the stairs. We all stood up, and followed Skylynn. Well everyone but Hayes and I. He closed my door and locked it. I gave him a weird look, he just laughed and pulled me into a kiss. (They aren't gonna do anything don't even think that way...Jaidyn.)

We pulled away, and he kissed my forehead. "Okay, we can go downstairs." I just laughed and walked out of my room with Hayes following close behind. "there you guys are, wanna go out for dinner?" "Yeah." We said in unison. She nodded, then went upstairs.

"Hey, Justine i'm gonna go to Jaidyn's house, tell Elizabeth or mom." I just nodded while Max left with Jaidyn. We were just kinda standing there for a few minutes. i was deep in thought, until i felt Hayes' hand slip into mine. "Aw, OTP!" I just blushed.

"You know we're cute." Hayes said hugging me, then kissing my cheek, which made me blush even more. *Knock knock* Hayes let go of me, and i went to go answer the door. I opened it to reveal the one person i really didn't want to see right now. Jacob Leeland Martin. "Just go away, i don't want to talk to you." I said closing the door, but he stopped it with his foot.

"Jacob just leave." "Justine, please." He said with pleading eyes. I sighed, then closed the door behind me. I sat down on the porch swing, and he just stood infront of me. "I'm sorry, Leah came up to me and started talking to me, i kept telling her to leave, but then she told be if i didn't kiss her, she would hurt you, and I couldn't let that happen, and knowing what she's capable of, i did...If i could've, i would have told you first, but i couldn't."

Tears were falling down his cheeks. I stood up and hugged him. "I would take you back...but i can't." He wiped his eyes. "Why can't you?" " me out." "Oh, okay. I'm happy, as long as i can at least be your best friend." I hugged him tighter. "I would die if you weren't."

He ended up just going home, and i went back inside. "You were outside for awhile, who was at the door?" Hayes asked when he saw me. "Just Jacob, it's fine, we are best friends again." He just nodded and sat down on the couch.

"Okay guys, you ready?" Elizabeth asked walking down the stairs with Skylynn on her hip. "Yeah." we said standing up and walking to the door. "Where's Max?" "He went to Jaidyn's house." "Ugh that boy! Oh well, let's go." We got into the car and drove to (What ever restaurant you want)

The lady took us to our table, then we ordered our drinks. Everyone but Skylynn ordered soda, she ordered chocolate milk. The lady left, and we just talked. The waiter soon came with our drinks then wrote down what we wanted to eat. He left, then again we just talked until they brought our food.


By the time we got home, it was 7, and Skylynn had to get ready for bed, so to be nice i gave her a bath, then made her do her night routine. "Night Sky i love you." "No, please stay." "How about, i go change into my pajama's then i will lay with you until you fall asleep?" "Okay, i love you too." I smiled, then walked into my closet and grabbed a random t-shirt and shorts.

I changed in the bathroom, then walked back into Skylynn's room and cuddled with her until she was passed out. Once she fell asleep, i kissed her forehead, then went back to my room.

Morgan was just laying there on her phone. "Hey." I said joining her on my bed. "Hey, wanna watch movies?" "Sure." I got up and put 'Earth to echo' on. I laid down on my bed, and the movie started. At some point during the movie Hayes and Nash came in and sat on the floor infront of my bed.

We watched a few more movies until it started getting really late, so we decided to go to bed. Right before i fell asleep i realized that Max never came home. I checked my phone to see if he texted me. Nothing. I decided to call him. No answer. "Nash!" I yelled causing him to race back into my room. "Are you okay?"

"i'm fine, but Max never came home, and he won't answer his phone, he always answers." I said worriedly. "He probably just fell asleep." I nodded my head and laid down, i was just getting comfortable when the house phone started ringing. Nash answered it and came back into my room.

"Hello? What!?! We're on our way." Nash threw the phone onto the bed, then picked me up and raced out to his car. Nash, Hayes, Morgan and I all got buckled, then he drove off to the hospital. While Max was walking home, he got distracted and he got hit by a car.

We sat in the waiting room while Nash talked with the lady at the front desk. I was sitting in Hayes' lap all curled up into a ball. He was softly stroking my hair, and Morgan, was kinda leaning on him falling asleep. Nash came back about 15 minutes later.

"He's in surgery right now, so we won't be able to see him until tomorrow." He sighed sitting down next to Morgan. "Where are their parents?" I heard some nurse say, i mean it had to be a nurse, cause there was no one else here. "i have no idea, they just showed up, they said they are here for their brother." The lady at the desk said.

"you do know that we can hear you right?" Nash asked rudely. "Nash, can we just leave?" Hayes asked. "Ugh fine." Hayes carried me, and since Morgan fell asleep, Nash carried her. We got in the car and drove home. When we got home, Elizabeth and Johnnie were in the kitchen.

"Where were you guys?" Johnnie asked. "Max is in the hospital, so we went to go check on him, but the lady at the front desk wouldn't let us see him, she said he was in surgery, but i know she was lying." Nash answered. They nodded, then the boys took us to bed.

Hayes laid down with me, while Nash just laid Morgan on my bed and went to his room. "Good night princess." Hayes said kissing me, then we got up and went to bed. I got all snuggled up in my blankets and slowly fell asleep.

A/N: This girl keeps bugging me about my Dakota Brooks fan fiction, which is really annoying, i mean it's fine to tell someone to update once, if it's taking a really long time, but she's annoying about it, she's told me to update like 4 times already, and i'm getting pissed off. Rn i'm really not in the mood and righting anything about Dakota, Hayes is the only person i want to write about for now...Oh well Night babes ilysm -Justine<3

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