chapter 3

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I woke up to see that Hayes was passed out on my couch. I looked at the my phone to see that it was only 8am. well there is no reason to be awake if no one else is. I rolled over, and got all snuggled up again in my blankets, then fell asleep.


I woke back up to the sound of Hayes' voice talking to someone on the phone. "When do we leave?" There was a man on the other line. "Oh, can i bring someone with me, well 2?" The man spoke again. "Great thanks, Bye." He put his phone in his pocket, then looked at me. "Morning." He smiled happily "Morning." I said back yawning.

"So, I have some news." "What is it?" "Well...guess who gets to go to Magcon." My jaw just dropped. I jumped out of bed, and ran over to him jumping onto him and hugging on to him tight. He wrapped his arms around my waist, leaving my feet dangling. "Oh my God! thank you!" He just laughed at me. "You're so cute." He said putting me down, then poking my nose, making me go cross eyed, looking at my nose. Which caused him to laugh even more.

I walked over to my closet, and grabbed my grey Hayes grier Crop top, Hayes Grier Sweat pants, and also my sweatshirt. I went into the bathroom, changed into my clothes, then put my hair into a messy bun. I walked back into my room, to see that Hayes changed too. "When do we leave?" I asked sitting down on the edge of my bed, and turning the tv on. "In 2 days." "Okay."


it's like 12:30, and we are just laying on my bed watching Every witch way, and Hayes keeps laughing at all of my reactions to everything that happens. It's not my fault that i get pissed whenever Mia is on screen, psh...she's evil and a freaking liar. "I agree she's horrible, but it's just a show." "I don't care! I just want her to disappear." He just started laughing. "You're such a bully!" I yelled pushing him off the bed.

"Ow!" he groaned "You deserve it." "I guess i do." He said laying back down on my bed. *Ding* *Dong* I looked out of my window to see a limo parked outside of my house. I quickly ran down the stairs and answered the door, since Mia is with Nash, and Max is probably still asleep. When i opened the door, The one person i would never expect to see infront of my house ever was standing there.

A/N: Hey babes, who do you think is at the door? Why are they there? If you want to be one of the guy's girlfriend, comment or inbox me, Okay? Okay. are you guys? lol it's 1am. Oh my gosh! im going to be freaking 14 on Sunday! One thing that i really want is to have at least Hayes wish me a happy birthday, oh well. I'm happy cause i ordered a Hayes grier shirt and it should be her wednesday, Yay! I also have a pillow of him coming, I swear my whole birthday party is Magcon, even the Cake lol. Ilysm<3 -Justine Renee Grier, cause Grier is bae. and that's my younow username, so yeah lol night!

Bullied by Benjamin Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now