Chapter 19

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When we got to the park, Noah and them were there, plus Nathan? Since when did he hang out with them? "What the F*** Nathan!" Max yelled running towards him with his fists ready to punch him. "What? You were never really my friend, you just pretended to like me." "What the hell are you talking about?" "They said that you only pretended to be my friend cause Justine made you." 

"How stupid are you! These are the boys who bullied her, plus i make my own decisions." "But but, you don't even like me." "I liked you as a friend, i would get annoyed sometimes, cause you would bug my little sister." "Well i can't help it she's hot." "Hey, don't talk about her like that." Jacob said squeezing my hand. I didn't even realize that we were holding hands.

"I can talk about her how ever i want, it's not like she has a boyfriend." "Moron, he is her boyfriend!" Hayes yelled. The boys just yelled at each other While us girls, Matt and Nash just stood there awkwardly. "Enough! We get it, Nathan is a creep and Noah and them are jerks!" I shouted trying to get them to shut up.

"Oh looky Little Justine has finally spoken up." Ethan said smirking. "Retard say what?" I said really fast. "What?" We all just laughed. "I told you guys, they are dumb and don't know how to think on their own, that's why they had Mason, cause he was actually smart." Max said smirking.

"Jai, let's go." Said pulling her away. Of course everyone but Max and Hayes followed us. "Where are we going?" Jessica asked. "A special place." I smiled as the memories filled my mind. Whenever bad things were happening at home, Hayes would always take me to this little clubhouse that is hidden in the woods by the park.

I walked in and my smile started to fade, everything was destroyed, all of our toys and drawings were colored on or burned. At the age we were at, we weren't coloring on our toys. I picked up the doll that Hayes gave me when we were about 6, it was a very special thing to me. The day he gave it to me, he promised to always be there for me. 

Tears just streamed down my cheeks. "He didn't keep his promise." I blurted out. "Shh...Baby girl, it's okay." Nash said hugging me, and rubbing my back. "This was where Hayes and I would go when we needed to forget about things. He gave me that doll when we were 6, and he promised to always have my back." By now Nash's shirt was soaked.

"I swear it's weird how much they look alike, yet they aren't related at all." Jacob said sitting down on the floor. "Wait, they aren't related?" "nope." "I thought they were, was she just hanging out at your house?" Jessica was so confused. "No, her and her brother Max live with us, we've been neighbors since she was born, My mom adopted them before we came back, their parents were pretty much neglecting them and their sister, who still lives with them." "Oh, What grade are they in?" "8th, almost 9th." 

"Are they twins?" "No, she was born prematurely, so they are 7 months apart." "Aw, so you were born when your mom was 6 months pregnant?" "Yeah, i was the forth kid." "I thought you only had two siblings." "i do now, the oldest died about 10 years ago."

"Aw, i'm so sorry." "it's fine, i was about 3 or 4, so i didn't really know him." We just talked for awhile, until Hayes and Max joined us. "Uh, what happened to your faces?" I asked. Max had a black eye, and his cheek was bruised. Hayes had a bloody nose, and bruises all over his face.

"They started hitting us, so yeah we got into a fight, Oddly we won the fight." Max said trying to lighen the mood. "I don't care if you won, you can't freaking get into fights!" I ran out of the clubhouse and dipped a clean rag in some water from the little pond by the woods. I cleaned Hayes' nose, and just to be cute he rested his hands on my hips.

Jacob didn't care, cause he knows that he is just messing around. "Why isn't he mad that another guy is touch her like that?" Jessica asked confused. "Hayes is just messing around, plus i'm use to it, Hayes always acted like this with her." Jacob said shrugging. "You know, i never realized this until now, but Justine needs to gain about 20 pounds." Hayes said pulling me into a hug. 

Hola...don't you hate those girls on YouNow, who are trying to twerk or are dirty's like bish stop, 1 it's not allowed and 2 it's gross so stop it. This girl on younow is with her friend, and they are being pretty rude, one of them is wearing like a dressy tanktop, and you can see her bra really easily, i mean if you're under #Dance, at least wear a random t-shirt, or a workout tanktop, we don't need to see your cleavage. -Justine

Bullied by Benjamin Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now