Chapter 21

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(I'm going to end this story soon, but should i make a sequel?)

"I am a lost boy from Neverland, usually hanging out with Peter pan." I woke up to my phone going off. Someone was calling me.


U:Is this Justine?

J:Yes, who is this and why are you calling me at 5am?

U:You don't know me, but stay away from Hayes, he's mine!

J:Bish, you just woke me up at 5 am to tell me to stay away from my brother? Okay, well i live with him, so i can't goodbye bitch.

U:He's not your brother!

J:His mom adopted me, and we have been best friends since he was born, so yeah we've always been close like siblings, so shut up, learn your facts and stop being hating on people that you don't know.

I hung up, then went back to bed, cause i have 2 more hours before i have to wake up.

*Alarm goes off* Ugh, i turned off my alarm. I got up and went into my closet and changed into an oversized sweater, skinny jeans, and uggs. I walked into the bathroom and did my morning routine, then put my hair into a messy bun, cause i really don't care today. I walked out of my room, just to have Hayes pick me up and carry me down the stairs.

"Has put me down!" He laughed then put me down. "I heard your phone call this morning." I looked at him confused then remembered that one of his fans called me at like 5 am. "It was just a stupid fan." "i know, but i'm surprised by the way you reacted."

(My mom just said that 'i'm going to try to make you get boyfriends, here, so you don't move away'...hahaha Hayes is the only person i want to all the guys here suck, i mean yeah there are cute ones, but they are jerks...She has me for 4 more years, until i graduate high school and move to Cali.)

"1. I was really tired so i really didn't care, and 2. She was just being a jealous brat." He just laughed and grabbed some muffins for us to eat on the way to school. "You ready?" He asked walking towards the door. "Yeah, let's go."

Max is sick, so it's just Hayes and I. "I kinda miss Mason." I said looking down. "me too." Hayes stopped, and i looked at him confused. "hop on." I jumped on his back and he carried me all the way to our school. He put me down when we got to the gates, then we walked towards the patio.

Hayes' Pov...

When we got to the patio i saw Jacob and Leah making out. I couldn't tell if she kissed him and he was trying to get away or what, either way i'm going to kill that boy. I looked down to see Justine staring at them with tears in her eyes. I pulled her into a hug. "Shhh...he doesn't deserve you." I whispered, then kissed the top of her head.

I looked back at Jacob and he had a disgusted look on his face, then when he saw us his eyes went wide. 'Just stay away' i mouthed to him, but he ignored me. He just kept getting closer to us, i know he's one of my best friends, but i really want to high five the face...with a chair.

"Justine?" He asked, she just hugged onto me even tighter. "Dude she doesn't want to talk to you, just go away." He didn't budge. "She kissed me, i didn't kiss her, i was trying to get away, but she had a really strong grasp on me." "I-I just want to be best friends...and nothing more." Justine mumbled against my chest.

"No, No, No please." Jacob was actually on the verge of tears. "I've gotten even more hate being with you, then i did when the guys were bullying me." *Bell ringing* Justine pulled away and then we walked to our lockers with Jacob following behind.

I grabbed my stuff, then walked back to Justine, and we walked to class together. Like usual we sat in the very back away from everyone else. Since our desks were put together, she laid her head on my shoulder. I know that my mom Adopted her, and I guess she's my sister now, but i still have a huge crush on her.

"I love you." I whispered. "I love you too." "No like i love you, love you." "I know...I've loved you since we were younger, i was just too scared to tell you." She said looking up at me with her bright blue eyes, which were even brighter from the redness in her eyes. "I did too." Class soon started but it was all just a blur, all i could think about was making Justine mine.

(I mean they aren't really siblings so it's fine...i guess.)

Justine's Pov...

The whole day was a huge blur, i really didn't even want to be here, i couldn't wait to go home. Thankfully Hayes is in all of my classes, so i was kinda happy. thinking about it now, i don't even know why i picked Jacob instead of Hayes.

_____Skips to end of day_____

School is finally over, thank god, i couldn't stand another second in class. I walked to the front of the school and sat on the ground and waited for Hayes to finish turning in all of his late assignments. "Stay away for Hayes and Jacob, they don't even like you." I look up to see Leah.

"ut up, you don't know anything." "Yeah i do, Jacob told me." "Whatever." I really wasn't in the mood to argue with her. "Oh, and how can i stay away from someone i live with?" "You can kill yourself, move far away." "I'm not going to kill myself and i can't move you moron, quite being a selfish bitch and learn that nobody likes you." Before she could say anything someone shot her. Just kidding Hayes walked up to us.

I wish someone would have killed her tho. I got up, and we started walking home. Hayes intertwined our fingers. We ended up going to the park instead of home. He took me to our secret hideout, and we just talked for awhile. "Justine?" "Yeah?" I looked into his mesmerizing blue eyes. He took a deep breath. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

I thought for a minute than hugged him while nodding like crazy. "I love you so much Justine." "I love you too Benjamin." He laughed, then he kissed me. The kiss soon turned into a little make out session. We pulled away when we heard a noise. We hugged one more time then left.

As we were walking Hayes Stopped, then picked me up like a little kid, i giggled then rested my head on his shoulder. "you're so cute, you know that?" "Yeah." He kissed my forehead, then we walked through the doors. "Where have you been?" Nash asked worried. "We were just at the park." Hayes said giving him a weird look.

"Okay, it just scares us whenever you don't come home and we don't know where you are, we don't want to lose anyone else." Nash said then walked away. Okay then. Hayes took me to my room, and we just watched Netflix and cuddled. Jacstine is no more, but Jayes was just born. I quickly checked Instagram and someone made an edit of Jacob and I.

The caption read '#Jacstine They are my OTP, they are so cute together<3.' I quickly commented. 'Jacstine aren't together anymore.' moments later she commented again. 'What?! But you guys were so cute and always looked happy together.' 'Things change.' I put my phone on the charger, then laid my head on Hayes' chest and fell asleep.

almost 7 more days and i get to meet Benjamin Hayes Grier...i'm kinda scared that i will do something dumb, or get to nervous and mess up every time i try to say something...i can barely talk in class without messing up. Oh well ILYGSM! I feel like only my friends and I Ship Jayes, which I get, i mean everyone Ships themselves with the person they love. 

When people ask me why i like Hayes so much it bugs me, not cause they asked, but because i can't answer them, it makes me feel some type of way. He makes me happy, just seeing him makes me smile. But he could never love me, i'm not pretty or anything, i mean i guess i'm kinda pretty, but everyone treats me like i'm ugly. I never feel pretty, the only people who say i'm pretty are my best friends and internet friends...I'm just tired...Good Night Ily<3 -Justine____Maybe one day Grier

Bullied by Benjamin Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now