Chapter 13

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1K reads! Yay!!! I love you guys so freaking much!

Today we have to go to Magcon, plus Nash said that he invited some peple to come over before we go for a late birthday present, I swear if it was 5sos or 1D i will probably faint, or hide behind people.

I changed into a tank top that said 'run like Cameron Dallas is at the finish line' and coral shorts. I walked over to Max's side of the room. "Hey Max....Never mind" I just walked in on Max and Jaidyn making out. I just ran to my bed and started laughing like crazy into my pillow. (I had to lol Ily Jaidyn!)

I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist, thinking it was one of the older guys i didn't push them away. I looked up to see it was freaking Zayn Malik. My jaw dropped, i looked around the room to see Nash and Taylor in the corner smirking, all of the guys from 5SOS and 1D are in my hotel room! I looked over at Hayes' bed to see him and Jacob laying at opposite ends of the bed asleep.

I escaped Zayn's grasp and jumped onto Hayes' bed and started jumping, until Hayes pulled me down and wrapped his arms around me. "It's too early we sleep right now. Okay? Okay." He mumbled. "Benjamin Hayes Grier! We have guests wake up." I sat up and saw everyone else. They were just staring at us.

"Are they together or?" Liam asked looking at us. "No, they are just best friends, but she is with the little prince who is still asleep." Taylor said walking over to us and picking me up off of the bed and throwing me over his shoulder. "I'm not asleep, I just dn't want to open my eyes." Jacob mumbed.

"Stop lyin' and get your butt out of bed." I said giggling because Taylor was tickling me. "Tay stop it." "Nah!" "Taylor Michael Can..." "Fine!" He cut me off. He put me down on my bed. "Well, guys this is Justine, she's pretty much my baby sister, so yeah." Nash said then hugged me. "Aw Hamilton." He glared at me. "You know I hate being called that." "I know." 

"Well happy late Birthday." Niall said making me smile, i love his Irish accent. "Thanks Niall." "Do you have any food?" I just bursted out laughing. "Don't let him know where the food is, he will eat it all!" Harry, Louis, and Liam yelled while Zayn just laughed with me. "You don't want any kind of food tht she has, because she most likely did something to it." Nash stated looking at me. 

"Yup, our pranks are the best!" Hayes yelled causing Max to cheer from his side of the room. "Who was that?" Luke asked "My brother Max. Speaking of siblings where is that demon spawn that you are datng?" I asked Nash. "We broke up, and she went home." Max ran into the room, and we started jumping on the bed and cheered.

Of course Nash made a vine of it. 'When someone you hate leaves the room.' "I'm guessing you hate your sister?" Calum asked laughing "Uh yeah, she's horrible." Max said still jumping. I got off of my bed, and got on to Hayes' and started taking grouple selfies with everyone.


Mom: Hey Honey, you and Max have to come home right now.

Me: Why?

Mom: Because we are moving.

Bish Whet

Me: No we are not! You've ruined our lives enough as it is, Max and I will move in with the Grier's, they love us more anyways.

Mom: Young lady you better be home by tomorrow, or you can say good bye to everything you love. 

I started crying, i hate my parents so much. "What's wrong love?" Harry asked hugging me. "M-My P-Parents want to M-Move." "Oh Hell nah they aren't." Nash said joining the hug, soon it was a huge group hug with everyone, and i mean everyone. All the Magcon boys, 5SOS, 1D, Max and Jaidyn.

"Hey Mom, can you get some of Hayes' old friends to sneak into Justine and Max's room, and clear them out into the two spare rooms that we have? Make sure their parents don't see or hear them though." Nash said into his phone. "k, thanks mom love you." 

I guess i'm gonna be living with the family that raised me. Thank god! "So, your Mum is just gonna let two kids live with you?" Louis asked confused. "Well, they are pretty much her kids, They have lived with us since she was 3, they took them back when they were in 5th grade, but then left them with their sister 2 months ago, well 3 now." "Why?" "My brother died when he was 10, and we all saw except for the adults, but after that day they were too depressed to care for us, so Mrs. Grier became a mom of 6 pretty much."

"Aw i'm sorry." Ashton said making a frowny face. "its okay, that isn't the worst thing that has happened to me." I said looking at Mason. "Why did you look at him? What did he do to you?" "He bullied me since 4th grade, all because i rejected him." "Dudddeee." Luke said giving him a nasty look. 

A/N: Who else hates it when random people follow them on insta? I mean i'm a fan page, and some car report person followed me, like what? I also hate when people are all like 'Omg he liked!" It's like really? you think i can't see that he liked it? Or when a person asks for a shout out. It's like dude really? You have nothing to do with anyone i post about. -------Rant over------- kk, well i lve you guys so much Night!

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