Chapter 16

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I woke up at 3am to Matt crying and all of the guys in my room talking.  "What happened?" I asked They all looked at me with sad faces. "M-Mason d-didn't m-make i-it." Matt stuttered. Even though he bullied me, i still bursted out into tears. Nobody else was really crying, so Matt and i just hugged and cried until i fell back asleep.


I woke up again to Matt snoring in my ear. I guess we both fell asleep, i pulled away from his grasp, then laid down on Hayes. He squirmed a little bit, but stopped when he got comfortable. Since it was only 8am, i fell back asleep.

Matt's Pov...

I woke up around 2am in a hospital chair. The sound of Mason's heart monitor going off brought a ton of docotors and nurses into the room, before they could push me out, i saw that the line was straight. Tears started to stream down my face. We might have fought, but he's still my brother. 

I walked into the waiting room and sat in one of the chairs. A young boy, about 5 years old walked up to me and said. "It's going to be okay, god has a plan for all of us.'' then he climbed up onto my lap and hugged me. He reminded me of Mason when he was that age. I hugged him back, then let him go back to who i assumed was his older brother.

About 15 minutes later a doctor walked out. ''Mason Espinosa?" I stood up. "I'm sorry, but he didn't make it." I just ran out of the hospital as fast as i could. Mason died on 4/27/15 at 2:18 am to alcohol poisoning. I ended up running all the wy to the hotel, yes i left my car at the hospital. Running just helps when i'm depressed.

When i got there, Nash and Cam were sitting in the lobby. "I'm so sorry bro." Nash said hugging me, i guess he could tell by the look on my face. "H-He was only 14." I sobbed into his shoulder. We soon went up to the younger ones' room and told them the news.

Justine's pov...

We have a Magcon event in like an hour, so we all have to get ready. I just finished taking a shower, so i put on my outfit, which is a light blue lace dress with matching converse. I put on some mascara, then walked out of the bathroom to be meeted by someone hugging me. I leaned back to see Jacob. "Hey." He smiled at me. "Hi."

He kissed my cheek, then pulled away. "You missed." he laughed then pecked my lips. "Perfect!" "i love you goofball." "i love you too." All of the guys are wearing suits, because today is gonna be a little funeral thing with the fans.

Jaidyn is wearing a dress like mine but it's black with black flats. We arrived at the event, and just hungout backstage until it started. Shawn and I went on first, because we are going to sing a song for Mason. "We might have lost you down here, but God gained a beautiful angel." All of the fans were really confused as to what happened.

Max then walked on stage and started singing 'Come inside my heart' from the movie Lifted. ('s sang by the person who play's Max in this story) "Okay, the reason that we are all dressed up, and are singing sad songs, is because we lost someone last night." Max started. "It was my brother." Matt finished the sentence.

Everyone went silent, except for this one girl, who was really loud. "Today, we are going to have a mini funeral." Nash said sadly. We were all going to say something for Mason, as in who he was to us. Matt went first. "He might have not been the best little brother, we always fought, h-he shouldn't have left us this way." Tears slid down his cheeks.

"He bullied me since i was in 4th grade till right before we came here, but even though he put me through hell, i still wish he hadn't died, he was finally becoming my friend." Everyone gasped. It went on until we all said something about him. Jacob and I were in the corner of the stage, and he was just rubbing my back and trying to comfort me.

When we got back to the Hotel, we all had to pack our bags, because we are either going home, or going to the next stop. I really don't want to go home, because 1, I won't be able to see Jaidyn as much, and 2. my horrible family is most likely waiting for Max and I.

_____Next Morning_____

We are already at the airport, waiting to board. I'm wearing one of Jacob's sweatshirts, and black yoga pants. "Flight 42a to North Carolina now boarding. I hugged Jaidyn first. "I'm gonna miss you." "me too." then i hugged everyone else that wasn't coming home with me. "Bye babygirl, i'll see you soon." Nash said kissing my forehead.

He picked me up and swung me around. "Bye Nashy poo." He put me down, then Dakota, Jacob, Hayes, Max and I got onto the plane. Dakota is going to be staying with Hayes for awhile. I just turned in my music and rested my head on Jacob's shoulder until i fell asleep.

___Skip Plane ride___

While we were on the Plane, Elizabeth texted me saying that she some how got my parents to let Max and I live with her for teh rest of our lives. We walked throuh the airport like bosses. I was on Hayes' back, because Dakota and Jacob are too tired, plus they have all of our luggage. And Max is just too lazy.

"AH!!! IT'S HAYES GRIER!" "I KNEW SHE WAS CHEATING ON HER BOYFRIEND!" "I'm right here." Jacob laughed as we reached Elizabeth, well i guess mom now, and Skylynn. (That moment when someone insults bae and you both make a face) Hayes let me jump off of his back, then We both bent down to see who Skylynn would choose. We always did this when we were younger.

"Justine!" I always win. "Hey babe." I said swinging her up onto my hip. She tried to kiss my cheek but i turned my head. She just giggled. "I love you Justine." "I love you too Sky." She rested her head on my shoulder, and we walked out to the car.

I helped her get into her booster seat, then we were off. When we got to the house, mom, showed us our rooms. I loved my room, i have one of those sphere chairs that hangs from the ceiling, which is something i have always wanted. I love it, because it has a little curtain, so i can hide inside of it.

Cole Galotti is so sweet, i swear he's just amazing. Even though he says some weird crap.

Everyone is beautiful and you don't need make up. -Cole Galotti 

ILYGSM! -Justine

Bullied by Benjamin Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now