chapter 15

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I woke up, and it's like 5:30 pm. I sat up, and Mason was hanging over the chair, while Hayes and Jacob were just staring at him. "What the hell are you doing?" I asked throwing a pillow at him. "Ah!" He screamed then fell of the chair. Jacob jumped and slid across my bed and wrapped his arms around my waist while he was still laying on the bed. i ruffled his hair and he smiled up at me.

"Otp!" Hayes yelled jumping up onto the other bed and jumping on it like a weirdo. "What about Kaylee and I?" Mason asked. Kaylee is the most popular girl in our school, plus she's the meanest girl there. "I don't care about you and Kaylee, She's just as mean as you were, wait no she's even more mean." Hayes said plopping down on the bed.

"Wait, Kaylee Mathers?" Jacob asked laughing. "Yeah." Kaylee use to be one of the sweet little girls, but that only lasted about a year, so by the time we were 4 she started acting like a brat. She also had the biggest crush on Jacob, i mean all of the girls did he was the cutest little boy. (Pic above)

"Hey, we're all gonna go down to the pool, wanna join?" Nash asked walking in. "Sure." We all said, except for Mason, who was pouting in the corner, because we were making fun of his girlfriend. I grabbed my swim suit then ran into the bathroom. It was a light blue strapless top with neon yellow bottoms. I walked out and the guys were already dressed.

"Did you just change infront of eachother?" I asked raising my eyebrow. "What? girls do it too." Jacob defended. "We still have bra's and underwear on though." I said laughing. "Whatever." Jacob walked over to me, then grabbed my hand and we left Mason in the corner.

When we got down to the pool, I saw that Jaidyn and Max were already in the pool. She was sitting on his shoulders, and they were both laughing about something. They are so cute! I ship it #Jax. (#JaxForever! Deal with it. Someone come up with a cute Ship name for Justine and Jacob, and i will dedicate the next chapter to you.) 

Jacob and I were just standing there, until freaking Hayes decided to run up behind me, then throw me into the pool. I filled my mouth up with water then spit it at him. "Ew!" He yelled in a girly voice, which made everyone burst out laughing. 

(I swear my wattpad is so boring rn, all i see is someone voted....or nothing. I'm just like what happened to the person who updated like every 5 seconds? I think i accidentally delete their story from my library, But still.)


We swam around for a while, until we got hungry, so we got changed and went to Tacobell. I sat down in a booth, and instead of being nice and sitting with me everyone but Jaidyn sat at different tables. "Jerks." Jaidyn said sitting down across from me. "What's up?" Jacob said slidding in next to me. "Nothing." You know, because It doesn't make you feel bad at all when everyone goes to every table but the one you sat at first.

"Ugh, i know you're lying what's wrong." "Nothing." We finished our food in silence, then we went back to the Hotel. I grabbed some Pj's then hopped into the shower. When i was done, i put my hair up into a messy bun, then put on Jacob's hoodie and a pair of pajama shorts.

I walk out, to see Mason hiding under the bed, Hayes staring at something, and Dakota Freaking Brooks staring at me. I stopped walking when i realized that i didn't see Jacob. "I swear if Jacob screams 'boo' and makes me scream, i'm going to get a bat and hit him with it."

"Harsh!" Hayes laughed. I stuck my tongue out at him, then jumped onto the bed. "Mason, what the hell are you doing under the bed?" Max asked walking in. I just realized that ever since we got here, Max and I haven't talked much. "Maxine!" I shouted making Max looking at me then burst out laughing. We use to call eachother by our opposite gender name, like he was Maxine and i was Justin.

"Justin!" He ran up to me, then started tickling me. "Aw, Justiney's little laugh!" Hayes yelled making everyone else laugh. "What is going on in here?" Jacob asked walking in. "Oh you know the twins being 4 year olds again." Benjamin said causing Max to stop tickling me. "We aren't twins." Max said slapping him randomly.

"Ow! and pretty much, you're irish twins." "How far apart are you?" Dakota asked awkwardly. "7 months." Max answered then walked off to his part of the room. "I'm guessing that you are the younger one." He said looking at me. "Yup, i weighed 2 pounds even." "Damn." "Aw, our little Justiney grew up so fast!" Hayes and Jacob said in baby voices then hugged me.

"Yeah yeah, i'm still older than you." I said looking at Hayes. "Yeah, but i'm taller." "Well duh, you're taller than Mia." Mia is about 5'7, and 138 lbs of evil. I'm 5'3 and only 108lbs. "You're also taller than most of the guys." 


"Hey, wanna YouNow with me?" Dakota asked setting up his computer. "Sure." the boys said in sync. My eyes just got wide. (You would know why if you watched them when he's on partyline.) He just laughed at me. We all sat down on the bed. Dakota and Jacob, then Hayes and I behind them.

"What's up guys." He paused "As you can tell i'm not in my room, and I have people with me. I'm hear with. "Jacob." "Hayes." "Justine." "Don't hate on Justine! She hasn't said anything but her name, god, all you unloyal fams." 'i ship you with Justine' I read one of the comments. "Why would you ship them together?" Jacob asked looking at the screen.

"Guys, Justine is with Jacob. I wish she wasn't though." He whispered the last part. 'OMG IT'S HAYES GRIER!'  After i read that comment, i pulled Hayes' head closer to me then kissed his cheek. We laughed, but the people watching were commenting mean things. "Hey! stop it, they are best friends god!" 

"I'm a bully, i bullied Justine." We looked down off the side of the bed, and Mason was laying there drunk out of his mind. "Who the freak gave a 14 year old alcohol?" I asked poking him with my foot. "Do you think he left the room while we were gone and that creepy hobo outside saw him?" Hayes asked with a scared look on his face.

"I hope not." Jacob said looking at Mason again. "i'll be back." I said getting up. "Where are you going?" Jacob asked kissing me before i left. "To go get Matt." They all nodded, then i left. I pretty much banged on the door, cause i'm a little bit worried about Mason. Taylor answered "I need Matt, it's about Mason." His eyes got wide. 

I walked back into my room with Matt and Taylor following close behind. "We just walked in and he was just laying under the bed, i thought that he was just being weird until we started broadcasting, and he said 'i'm a bully, i bullied Justine' like a drunk person." Matt ran out of the room, and came back a minute later with Mason's bag.

"It's filled with Alcohol. Ugh stupid Dylan!" Matt screameddropping Mason's bag, then running over to him and picking him up. Before we knew it Mason blacked out. "Crap!" Matt yelled running out of the room, most likely running to the hospital, which thankfully is arund the block. 'OMG THAT WAS MATT ESPINOSA!' "Yeah, and his brother Mason." Why did Dylan give Mason alcohol?

"I'm gonna say that Mason stole the Alcohol from Dylan, because it doesn't make any sense as to why he would give it to him." Jacob said clearing the awkward silence that we were in. "Most likely."I said laying down on the other bed, whch was a bad idea, cause Hayes being Hayes, he jumped on me.

A/N: Shabalaba dingdong...say it using a straight face and see if you can make anyone laugh Okay?Okay. 

Bullied by Benjamin Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now