chapter 12

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Nashty poo: Get dressed in something nice, I'm gonna take you somewhere.

Me: Like a dress? Or can I wear a T-shirt and shorts?

Nashty poo: T-shirt and shorts I guess.

I dropped my phone on the bed, then picked out my 'Nash Grier' long sleeve shirt and Jean shorts. "Where are you going?" Hayes asked "Nash is taking me somewhere." "Okay, I love you." "i love you too, i'll bring you back leftovers if there are any." "Yay!" I laughed then walked out the door.

I saw Nash in the lobby talking to Gilinsky and Nikki, so i jumped on his back. "Hey, you ready?" Jack asked. "Yeah, where are we going?" "You'll see." Ugh i hate surprises. We walked out of the hotel, and got into a limo. "Happy birthday baby girl." Nash said hugging me really tight. "Can't....Breathe." "Sorry." 


We talked about random things until we arrived infront of a trampoline place. "Springloaded." We walked in and I went straight to the long rows of less springy trampolines and started tumbling up and down them. Nash was video tapping while Nikki joined me, and Jack played basketball.

We were there for about 2 hours just playing around and eating snacks. We soon left and went to a restraunt. The food was great but the dessert was better. Nash being Nash he told our waiter that it was my birthday, and he annoyingly shouted to everyone and they started singing. I gave Nash a death glare, but he didn't care he was too busy laughing.

The only good thing was that they brought out a birthday cake and i got to blow the candles out, and i may have tried to catch Nash's jacket on fire. "I swear for a girl who's been bullied, and has pretty much been abandoned you still act like the little girl that would always play pranks on us, with Max and Hayes. Yes i know it was you 3, i'm the only one who put two and two together."

"What kinds of pranks do you do?" Nikki asked smiling at me. "Different kinds, the last one i did was syrup in Nash and Mia's shower, plus we put their favorite snacks in their room and filled them with stuff." "Mayo doughnuts and tooth paste oreos." "Ew, that's gross." Jack laughed.

We laughed and talked for awhile until we had to go back to the hotel. Brought back half of a burger, some fries, and of course the rest of the cake. "Hey Hayes." I said walking into the room. He looked at me, and a smile grew on his face. "Foood!" I just laughed and put the food on the table and let him pig out on it.

Jacob was already asleep, so i made sure Hayes saved at least one piece of cake for him. Then Max came into the room drunk. He's freaking 14 what goes through his mind, he even brought a girl with him, ah hell naw. I pushed the girl out of the room, then took the shower head and sprayed Max with it.

"Dude what's your problem." He groaned "What's yours?" He rolled his eyes then layed down on his bed and fell asleep instantly. Ugh boys. Jaidyn came over and we watched Mean girls 1 and 2 with Hayes. I really missed having the nights where we would just be in his room talking for hours, or watching movies until we fell asleep.

A/N: Hey babes I hope you liked it. Right now i keep swkitching from book to book, so i'm trying to write as much as i can, I just need some ideas ILYGSM -Justine.

Bullied by Benjamin Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now