- Your bf is in Prison -

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(all of this is still in Minecraft all my one shots are just this time they use a phone)

George remembers waking up to a glorious morning like most days he had slept through many stressful events through the nights and early morning. Looking to his left he saw his glasses on his nightstand picking them up placing them on top of his head he continued on with his normal morning routine. Once he was dressed in his normal attire he noticed how dark it was outside, turning to the clock he expected it to say somewhere around 10am or 2pm the usual time he awoke in his hobbit house. 

However, much to his surprise it was 4:30 in the morning and his phone which stood next to it was buzzing like crazy! He rushed over to it picking it up he scrolled through the many messages his jaw fell open as his eyes widened to their limit. The messages were as followed:

"there's a huge gathering you need to come over" -  Sapnap 

"Tommy's flipping out at Dream, you might want to get here before it escalates" - Nicki 

"Wake up George" - several messages from Tubbo and Quackity. 

The last one made him sit down the very message repeated in his head as he ran out the door leaving his phone at home in a rush. He ran to the stables next to his newly built home as he raced on his horse to the prison. Jumping through portals like a mad man he raced in the dark mornings as his mind repeated the loop of texts he had received. It repeated aa few times until the last one he looked at screamed through his skull. 

"Hey Gogy guess what while you were getting you're beauty sleep your boyfriend is in prison" - Tommy's text looped in his mind he had to see him. 


George arrived at the prison only to see Quackity and Karl guarding the door, he got off his horse in the village and had walked all the way there. Quackity and Karl immediately noticed him running over they asked him to many questions for him to  understand. 

"I want to speak to Dream" he announced as the chatter around him hulted.

"George we can't do that" Karl answered sadly looking at the floor.

Georges confident straight face shifted into doubt but he soon regained his stance. Looking at Quackity right in the eye, through blurred vision.

Quackity only looked on with sympathy as he nodded. George only realised he was crying when he wiped the tears from his eyes.

He was weak. Too weak to protect his house and his secret lover.


They let him through he managed to make his way avoiding signing the books as Sam was having a break. Sapnap had taken him their much to his boyfriend Karls protest but he knew an aching heart when he saw one.

Once he has managed to get to the bridge he flew across the lava. Sapnap waved goodbye as he returned to his position where the signing books where. Leaving George alone!

George entered the cell only to see a bed, a book and a door to a bathroom. Dream was wide awake placing the room like a mad man.

The brunette stared at him for some time before finally getting to his senses the real reason he had arrived.

"D-Dream" he stuttured out causing Dream to turn towards him, his mask was off.

His eyes which were filled with tears finally blinked allowing the salty water to fall. He wiped them away quickly until it just becambe a starring contest between the two of who was more likly to say something.

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