- Spying on the heros - (updated)

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Tommy, Wilbur and Tubbo ran into the abandoned house closing the door behind them in a flash as they all rested with their backs up against it . The cold air seemed to float around them as they all breathed in a sign of relief, happy to finally be out of the harsh cold that had penetrated the earth. Their winter clothes were frosted with the fur on the hood being stuck like the groups hair with limp limbs and rosy cheeks. One by one they all pulled their hood down as they began to chuckle like school children to be in warmer area. 

"TUBBO l can feel my hands!" Tommy replied with a giggle as he took off his coat hanging it on the coat hanger were his best friend and brothers grey coats rested. After taking there gloves and shoes off they marvelled at the returning feeling in their bodies. 

"This seems secure enough, how about we all start exploring the downstairs and then we can move onto the upstairs in a bit but make sure to call me you too" Wilbur called after them as they all split up searching the abandoned house for any sights of the people they had been looking for.

Over the course of a few months two heroes had been sighted and were requested to go back to L'manberg but they had refused to leave the trip they had taken on a huge road trip to rescue and save people outside the area of their hometown. Georgenotfound and Dreamwastaken were the ones that the group had been looking for over the winter and in the height of the cold the team had decided that to stay in a place of warmth would prevent their death and hopefully they would be able to see the other groups who were also on the sight for them. 

The downstairs was not a sight at all the house was in ruins from the looks of it with how the bathroom was covered in dirt and rats, the living room was filled with raged and tearing clothing and most of the kitchen appliances were gone which they had concluded were probably stolen. The stairs was something they had been searching for as the first few rooms was what looked to be a state of stairs which had been replaced by a rope. They had mainly left that bit as the other rooms was something they found more important as looking for food was of most importance which they struggled to find. 

The house was a state as far as they could tell and going upstairs there was a possibility that an enemy was up there. Although Wilbur was certain there was not as by how loud Tommy and Tubbo were that they would all be dead or being tortured by now.  That was until Tubbo climbed the rope he managed to see the upstairs, Wilbur remembered how his ears steamed as he ran up to the stairs with Tommy on his tail waving at his best friend. 

"Guys the upstairs is cleaner" He cried as he waved from the top as if he was not going against the leader but the rest of the boys  joined Tubbo up there. The upstairs was definitely cleaner there was no rubbish or anything of the sort. They crept through rooms upon rooms only to find a bathroom which they used, two bedrooms and stairs to the attic which they did not venture up to as that was the possible place that a horror monster could kill you. However down the hall was the master bedroom which they had left due to it being at the bottom of the hallway and it wasn't like they were going to find anything that interesting apart from some boring straight stereotypical family photos. 

Wilbur, Tubbo and Tommy snuck into the room only to see a small figure in the bed, white glasses at the top of their head with a pastel blue shirt. He was covered in scars and wounds and seemed to have a few droplets of sweat on his forehead which mainly showed a fever.  Tommy grinned from ear to ear at the site of it this man was a hero who he had been looking for all of the cold season and if he was to find the other one known as Dream then he could be back for Christmas. It was GEORGENOTFOUND the man who had given him so much hope when he was in the library dreading his study test with Philza in L'manberg when Gogy accompanied him with his studies. Not only that but apart from being called 'shy' by most of L'manberg for his quiet and kept away nature the reports, pictures and even drawings of his heroic acts were incredible as this man had so much potential with his fighting especially with a bow and arrow.  

The gang looked around the room only to find a few belongings around the room. The king size bed was in the middle and with a bed side table containing some medication which hinted at his fever. A bow and arrow and some spare clothes were on top of the Chester drawers as well as a small polaroid picture of Dream taking a selfie with his arm extended out to show a annoyed George who smiled but held a middle finger at the camera. Ever so often they looked at the boy he was injured for sure as Tubbo looked at the amount of medication for sleep, headaches and many other symptoms of a fever. Tommy crept up to the bed as Tubbo and Wilbur checked what was inside the wardrobe but before Tommy could wake him a noise from outside startled them.

A horse had been waiting outside as they stared at the window it was dimly lit by the nearby torches of the village. The injured boy in the bed began to toss and turn groaning in his sleep from his raging nightmare and the burning pain from his headache. 

"The wardrobe now!" Wilbur whispered yelled as the  group to run into the wardrobe each squishing next to each other as they all squirmed but settled on a position as they closed the door and the bedroom door opened. 

A green figure walked into the room his armour rattled as he limped into the room his green hoody could be seen behind his armour and his black jeans all showed blood stains making most of them shiver by how violent this man could be. He walked through the room closing the door he left his axe right by it before turning to the wardrobe letting his Smiley face mask be seen. The group gasped as they realised the mysterious figure was the famous DREAMWASTAKEN who had helped build, restore and protect L'manberg until he left with George . The hero crept over to the bed avoiding certain floor boards as he crouched pulling out a mattress from underneath and 

The gang ended up waiting a bit fully anticipated in the scene before them as they watched Dreams eyes begin to flutter. Tommy and Tubbo pulled out cameras as they knew even if they were to tell their friends back at L'manberg they would not believe two prankster teens and probably think that Wilbur had been drugged or traumatised after spending months with them and only them to say it. 

The team waited a while until George eventually woke up swinging his legs over the bed slamming his foot into dreams face. The man groaned in pain while Wilbur held in a laugh. George quickly collapsed to his knees after getting off the bed laughing his head off. Dream later joins him only moments later. The laughter brings a smile to everyone's faces as they soon begin to hug. George and Dream rock from side to side as they enjoy each others embrace but trying not to go too quick as George was not very well. 

They separate as Tubbo grinned at their friendship that the two had managed to keep. Wilbur and Tommy had been leaning against the wall they both had spent so long waiting for the two of them to wake up they had in turn fallen asleep. Tubbo turned quickly his face filled with shock as he pointed to the ajar space between the door realising they were asleep he shook them and pointed yet again. The team glared through the gap only to reflect the same shocked face as the bee obsessed boy. 

They were Fighting hand to hand combat, they were tackling one other until it got a bit violent with one another sending harsh punches. Dream ended up with a nose bleed and bruises which George apologised for as Dream sat up after being pinned down by George. George quickly grabbed a tissue as he began to apologise "I'm so sorry Clay l didn't mean to" he muttered as he whipped at the blood from Dreams nose. 

"It's alright Gogy" he responded as he smiled sweetly as Georgie placed the tissue on the nightstand. He leant foreword as George did to as the twos lips met in the middle both moving in sync and with a bit of a inappropriate context for how the kiss was going. Tommy having enough blackmail material decided to jump out of the cupboard to prevent Tubbo and himself seeing something that would traumatise them forever. The pair separated immediately as George hid his face in Dreams neck as they realised it was just there friends. 

"What the hell?" Tubbo explained as he gestured to the two while Wilbur just had his face in his hands from how he was going to have to explain this when they got back home in the next few days with the two heroes who had found love in a war torn area of hate. 

Anyone else know of that meme of David Tennant saying surprise in a purple suit or something.

Hope you guys like it


Word count: 1680

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