- Kill The Gogy Bird (Peter pan inspired) - {NEW BOOK SOON}

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This is a small premiere of a book l am going to write and no it will not follow this exact storyline but all the characters will be the same, its just so l can see how well this does. 

A small fairy barely two inches tall was jealous so jealous that muttering a very phrase to the young group of boys could expose of the weird stranger. The stranger in question was flying in the sky laughing in the air as he danced around someone else in the sky. Despite the small winged creatures protests Dream had flown him over to L'manberg (Neverland) only knowing the man for half a year and yet no one had met him until today. 

The leader of the lost boys then left the small creature alone telling him to keep out of trouble while he showed the stranger the ropes of the island.  Seeing his chance he found the group of young boys: Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo and Purpled running around in the forest when Fundy flew in front of Ranboo. 

"Hello Fundy" Ranboo greeted positioned at the front the others stopped immediately. Fundy began to make gestures after whispering in the tall teenagers ear, one with him holding a bow which he had made with his pixie dust until he mimicked the figure in blue falling out of the sky. "You want us to kill the Gogy Bird" he cried while the others prepared their bows and loaded the arrow. 

Dream had flown away from George so all they could see was a small blue figure flying in the sky, with their arrows aimed they let go of the string. They whizzed through the sky emitting a high pitch whistle until the one that Purple had shot hit the Gogy bird in the sky causing him to fall and spiral until he crashed onto the ground not too far from where they were. 

"I shot it" Purpled cried his voice filled with excitement while the other boys shouted in protest that they had in fact shot the bird but before any debate could arise they ran. Running through the forest dodging trees and undergrowth while they made they were closer to where the Gogy bird had fallen, Fundy joined as well he was also grinning but he knew who the bird truly was. 

Finally they found it, sprawled out on the floor with limps flat as soon as they had found it they knew it wasn't a 'it' at all. He was the man that Dream could not stop talking about matching the exact description fluffy brown locks, small clout glasses perched on his head and always in blue, he was dressed in what looked like pyjamas. Tommy was the first to realise as he began to whisper curses in a low tone "sh*t...sh*t" over and over until the others came to have a look displaying a look of horror like his own that when he screamed "Phil, BAD, SKEPPY...ANYONE".

Suddenly, the bushed began to shake as in all the boys ears they could feel there heart rate pick up as it filled their ears, instead of being met with an angry figure. Adults began to run in.

They expected to see one of the boys injured maybe with a broken arm or another limb or for someone to go unconscious like the time that Ranboo had knocked out Purpled when he was once moving a tree branch and as he unfortunately due to his height could not see anyone behind him he knocked out the poor boy for a few hours. 

Instead it was the sight of a man dressed in blue laying in the grass with an arrow sticking out of his chest, Bad's hand raised to his mouth as his eyes became glassy while Skeppy rested a hand on his shoulder. Philza stumbled over a bit taken back by a body being displayed in front of the group. Nobody  dared to touch him. Philza glared at the boys until they could see Dream whooping in the air doing a small summersault in the air with his friend techno as a large pink braid collapsed onto Technoblade's shoulder as the pair began to float closer to the group. 

Dream walked in with a small smile "Oh boys, great to see you l have a wonderful surprise for you-" he stopped seeing a small figure behind the boys of which everyone was trying to hide. "Who's that?" he questioned eyes squinting to get a view as Technoblade nodded at Philza who nodded at the group and...

They parted. 

Revealing George with an arrow sticking out of his chest but this arrow did not belong to the boys, they each had ribbons on them. Ranboo had a white and black ribbon attached to his, Tommy had red, Tubbo had dark green and Purpled obviously had purple. So there was no explanation for it to be the boys but the ribbon had a strange marking on it. 

"George...George" Dream ran over kneeling next to him making sure he was ok but found no sign of it. He knew immediately who had done this and wasted no time to rat him out as Techno stood slightly away from his looking into the trees. 

"FUNDY" the hybrid screamed as the small fairy spread his wings and bowed as he rested in front of Dream and the 'orphan slayer' "Transform right now!" the man spat as the fox hybrid complied bowing his head at the ground.  

Golden dust surrounded his frame which grew larger until before the lake where he had been instructed to stand, he was now a tall hybrid. "Here l am!" he snarled as he swayed from his heel to the points of his shoes "Now what do you want?"

Dream only growled but Techno rested a hand on the mans shoulder as he walked over to Fundy who lost his heroic spark of confidence. "Back off" he whispered but the Blade did not budge instead he placed the axe only a few metres from his head. 

"Go..." he growled but the fox did not move until he got closer to his face "Leave Fundy" and with that the fox was gone as discussion began to rise about the GOGY bird. 

"Ok!" he shouted as all discussion died down into quiet whispers and then to silence. "He is completely fine, the arrow has the marking of Jshlatts ship and if you don't mind l'm going to bed and l'm brining the 'Gogy bird' with me so Bad want to help" he gestured as the man followed him to the house but apart from that all was well. 

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