- Abandoned House (Updated)-

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TW: Zombies, blood, violence, distress, medical equipment, mentions of abandonment to objects and people. 

Wilbur, Tommy and Techno had stumbled upon a house. The day was New and yet the sun was still frail as it rose stretching across the desert like a beacon of hope in the wasteland of what appeared to be more martin than a plant inhabited by humans for billions of years, while zombies lived for only two years. 

The group were tired and worn out having never been more horrified than this as there casual attire had grown old, torn and bloody with blood of humans and zombies alike. The apocalypse had been going on a few months in there area as the government had only just announced of the dangerous  of them when it was too late. Stumbling for hours had grown tiring on them leaving there muscles and subconscious aching until they saw a small house in the distance and ran to it in anticipation of shelter and much appreciated safety. 

The house appeared to be on its side although that was just the dehydration talking for the travellers in the hot climate and once they had used all there energy running a good thing would be a clear indication of clean water of some time to quench their thirst. Opening the door as quietly as possible they crept in slowly as everything became louder and more real as they all questioned why they had ran in the first place. If there was a zombie in there they would be dead in the next few minutes with their energy plummeting at a further rate from all the exercise.

They clambered into the house the downstairs was abandoned and looked a mess by the state of the living room which had bullet holes in the sofa and a target painted on the wall were arrows, bullets and knives had been abandoned. The kitchen had mainly locked cabinets ; to their surprise a cupboard filled with water bottles and small tanks was left ajar. The group each grabbed one to hydrate while they looked around the downstairs only to find it appearing more like an horror show of a ghost town but in house form.

Finally done with their unexpected house tour of the downstairs they turned to were would have been the stairs only to slightly see them freshly cut from were they met the ceiling. Although the stairs were smashed sharply with what Techno thought was an axe a rope was left hanging from the upstairs ceiling giving the group a way up. 

They climbed up each individual ranging at speeds from their malnourished state leaving Wilbur to climb the slowest, with a clear grip. Tommy to climb for the longest with his inability to participate in PE with no clear practice or grip on the rope. While the leader, Techno blade, had managed to climb with the most precise agility and speed with no struggle. 

The upstairs was at a hotel standard of clean with painted wallpaper of white with a few rooms going for a maroon tint, the floor was so shiny you could see your reflection after a while, with a few muddy footsteps marking the hallway that stretched in a line. Searching in a few rooms they found countless weapons, a bathroom (they were glad was working) which they took their turns to use and what looked like an abandoned bedroom. 

They walked down the hall peering through the doors only to see what they had seen constantly until they heard groaning coming from an ajar door at the end of the hall. Wilbur placed his finger to his lips as they walked through to be greeted by what they guessed was the master bedroom. A man was positioned in a king side bed, in the square room, on either side was a side table one next to the sleeping male were white glasses and a phone was placed. The man was in a blooded pastel blue shirt and had dark brown hair which looked matted, his face was a bit bruised and creased with worry from what Techno guessed was a nightmare. 

"He needs a bath almost as much as we do" Wilbur chuckled quietly while Techno giggled only for Tommy to cover his mouth with his blooded gloved hand to prevent himself from cackling into the air. He began to play with the things he saw on a chested draws was a collection of ornaments varying in sizes and value. 

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