- l didn't Object -

718 12 10

George remembered the ach in his heart as Fundy looked to the doors of the church.

How a familiar tune began to play like the one in movies. George didn't want to turn but he was in the second row people would see.

Without a second thought, the black suited man with a pastel blue tie turned.

Walking down the aisle was Dream with a small mask on the corner of his face on the right. A glowing white dress clung to his skin. It was tight around his chest, like where the breast of a women would be that kind of dress.

It flowed down into a flowing ruffle of fabric with magnificent glittering roses on every edge. As Dream walked to the middle of the aisle the dress ended with it dragging on floor a metre or so behind.

Dream then walked past Georges row he was a seat from the aisle he coudnt help but pull his glasses from the top of his head. He could see the green spirals which luckily wasn't the colour of p*ss on the p*ssbaby.

As Dream stepped into the stage a small blush formed on George cheek as he imagined it.

Him staring there in a suit or dress or both... f*ck gender roles. Dream in whatever he wanted to wear as they said there vows and George kissed him. He could practically hear the cheering as the blush on his face grew more vibrant.

George was snapped from his gaze as Dream stared at him smiling sweetly. He was looking down at him. That very moment he remembered his place. He was in the crowd watching as the love of his life married their own love.

The blush disappeared. His glasses began to fog up as he began to hyperventilate. He coudnt do this.

He held the ring in his hand the very ring Dream had asked him to keep hold of. He opened the box.

All sounds were blocked out apart from his breath and memories.

A glamorous ring shown in the sunlight from the church windows. The diamond reflected the light into rainbows which appeared on Georges lap and the back of the row before him.

The fog over his glasses was forming rapidly as he blinked quickly.

He wished it was real that he would be married to such a man as Dream. How he could have confessed at that car park instead of Fundy. The date with whatever food they craved and mabye watch the sun set.

That time they wouldn't just watch it as friends but lovers. The fog was impossible to see through.

A tapping on his shoulder reminded him of were he was but he didnt wish to be. George turned shutting the box shut as he stared at a blurred Sapnap.

"The ring your meant to give it to him in a minute" he whisphered.

George turned away once Sapnap had began to watch the dreaded scene that George would kill to be in!

The fog was blocking his view, he could barely breath and his eyes were stinging with tears.

He placed the ring next to him as he lifted his glasses up with his head in his hands leaning into himself so no one could see him.

He destroyed the tears away with his sleeve as he started to have a panic attack. His breathing grew in faster and faster while his heart becambe the only thing he could hear.

People turned towards him as his shook in sorrow. The room fell silent as everyone turned to the young man having an issue breathing.

Wilbur stopped what he was doing as the men at the alter turned.

Eret walked from his place to the side of Fundy jogging to the small man. He crouched down as George began to sob lightly.

Eret rubbed his back asking him the dieing question that no one answered truthfully, at least not fully.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

George despite his state could hear Eret. The man did not make him want to answer or calm down. He had never hated Eret not until that moment.

Eret the bi-con.

Bisexual icon

The man who came out and was supported, everyone knew of and who definitely did not have a crush on a man who was about to get married.

Eret who did not get an answer looked round to see everyones faces begging him to help him. Even Dream was concerned, Fundy was a bit annoyed his vows were intrupeted before they even started but felt bad.

Eret did the thing that all friends would do he wrapped his arms around the man. George only sobbed louder into his friends shoulder.

He tried to suppress this for so long and here he was crying and crying over it.

"I... don't-" George muttured as he leaned more into *Eret. (*It suggested Dream 😔😭)

Eret lossened his grip as George started sobbing pushing his friend away.

He stood up while Eret did the same, George pointed at Dream with tears bleeding from his eyes. Gripping his glasses he picked up the ring box.

"I dont object to this wedding as much as l want to..." he breathed in sharply.

"What l want is for you Dream to realise not to make someone your best man" he threw the ring box at dream only for it to crash at the grooms feet.

"Especially not someone who cares so much about them, turns out this best man dosent just cry at the wedding. He sobs and melts down." George hurled himself over the row and onto the stage.

"He does this not by the beauty or the vibe of the room but for love." George swallowed he grabbed Dream and smashed his lips onto Dreams.

Dream does the unthinkable...

He kissed back but a bit less desperate that George. They pull away.

"The love is not platonic" he finishes before being dragged away by Eret.

Eret held him like a police officer would a criminal but here was the thing George was a....


Man so drivin by love that be did not object he destroyed it.

The whole church was filled with arguments as Fundy was pulled close by Dream. He didnt kiss back by love just pity.

George seeing this he got out of Erets grip and ran.

He ran out of the church through the streets and into the medical style towns alley way.

He sobbed quietly as one thought went through his head. One thought that would go by everyday since he disappeared.

"I didn't object but l should of!"

The end

Hey bookworms,

This was requested by Naomiplayz48

Might have been a bit angst filled

but a genderfluid (non-binary today) person with discomfort and on their period isn't going to be happy.

Request here

Bye bookworms 🌌 📚

- Eddie they/them he/him

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