- Comfort from a God -

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13 hours ago~  User12121313

It's fine! Your writing is amazing! But maybe some angst with DreamXD in it? Maybe like DreamXD wants Georges acceptance And so when George missed Dream, DreamXD transformed into Dream, and "Dream" comforted George even though he isn't Dream?(Inspired from a tik tok their (not mine) tik tok: Zombiimax)]

Missing someone you love was like giving half of your heart away to them and awaiting for them to give it back when they come back. When they are gone you feel empty and as if a piece of you is missing and that you cannot go on without the other half. That was how George felt as he laid in the grassy meadow watching the dandelions hit his wrist. He had been staring at his bracelet for a while now it was a blue sown one with string that was shown to have half of a Yellow heart on it, which he knew was green. He watched it as he thought of the moment he had given it to him those many months ago when he was actually not starting wars and destruction. 


They were both sitting in the throne room with Dream having George draped over him a small smirk as they sat on the throne. A few guards had been in the room but they had left him to have their privacy. Dream hummed a small tune to the man as he began to fall asleep until George remembered the gift he had in his pocket as he fumbled around to get it. 

"What are you doing George?"  Dream hummed as he wrapped his arms around the mans waist to comfort him and also stop him from falling over. George giggled at the tickly feeling as he grabbed it in his front trouser pocket with a small smile on his face as he hid it in his hand. Placing his hand in front of him he gripped it tightly as Dream noticed he playfully tickled him causing the man sitting on him to laugh and laugh begging for mercy. 

"Alright..." he cut of laughing trying to get his boyfriend to stop ticking him with one hand "l will tell you...Clay stop please!" he chuckled lightly as his lover finally stopped leaning to give him a small kiss on his cheek. He shuffled up onto the throne further so they were not slouching as much as Dream rested his hands on the mans stomach. 

He turned to the man he was resting on "Close your eyes Dream, this is a surprise that took me a while to make so you looking right now would ruin it"   the man obeyed to his beloveds demand. George placed the green sown bracelet  with the blue heart on the mans wrist as he did the same on his hand. "Open them, love" he whispered as the man leant foreword so he could see the bracelet allowing him to see the mans reaction. 

HIs face lit up immediately as he gazed at the object as he turned to his lover giving him a long kiss on his cheek and rocking them from side to side as they both laughed until they wheezed like the famous tea kettle. "l love it my mushroom prince its so cute and adorable, just like you~" he whispered the last bit seductively as George hit his arm lightly, a small grin on his face as they returned to their much loved position. 

George felt the comfort of the man resting his arms on his stomach, they had found out within a few months of dating that it was comforting for the both of them. "Well it will make it even better when you know what it means" George mentioned as the man prolonged an "oh" in surprise as George decided to continue. 

"It means that we are bonded for life in my eyes, mainly because it represents how we have our faviroute colour to mainly hide what we have been dating for two years in a few months as l'm pretty sure the village guards are the only one's who know about us. The heart in the middle shows that we have a piece of each others hearts with us and how we must protect it by the sting attaching it" Dreams face changed from a sweet smile to a worried expression when he mentioned the small string "Don't worry about the string love, it will be perfectly fine as it will not break just like dental floss its hard to break!" he giggled. 

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