- Red Banquet Disaster -

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TW: mentiosn of Death, Omegaverse mentions, Child (baby Geo not Tommy), Torture, Isolation, Execution, Slight Birth Mentioned, Shouting, Crying and Death Threats

The red room was decorated with different shades of amber and ruby decoration as several members of the eggpire as well as the some of the grand guests of honour from L'manberg resting there, some of the quiet and isolated ones like George or Foolish. The sitting plan was where the eggpire was on one side of the table while the members who were apart of L'manberg or not where on the other. Bad, Ponk, Ant, Skeppy and Hannah were on the other side all in a row with Bad and Skeppy sitting a distance away since their last fight. Puffy, Sam, Eret, Foolish who had discussed to join to find out more about the egg in March. While George, Nicki, HBomb, Fundy had been invited and there had been rumours of Dream being invited but that had not been conformed despite George wishing it was as he didn't wake up from his slumber for nothing. 

All participants had been dancing and having fun with everyone else while some of the eggpire members such as Ponk stayed a distance like Ranboo who had only been their to observe in secret on top of the ledges. Although from a distance with Hannah blending in as the eggpire spy. Dancing had been going on for a while since the marvellous HBomb was the DJ who had been playing some soft music and hip hop to accompany the conversation and dance movements for around half an hour until Badboyhalo spoke up. He called them to the table were food was gloriously set up in silver trays, most did not eat or drink in fear of side effects while those who had lost their appetite had some cocktails. 

After the downing of drinks and the snacking on bread provided in the middle the speech's began with Bad being the first to speak. He explained his hopes in affirming that the banquet was set up in hopes of "turning a new leaf" until he stepped down handing the stage to the guests such as Puffy, her son foolish and Eret who had hopes for a brighter future. Ponk was the next to stand up on the stage which had once been the table. 

He spoke with venom in his voice clear as day as he glared at Sam "Long ago, people change like the tides in the ocean and now l know they do" he handed Sam a ghast tear as a few tears fell from his red eyes, the wine glass he had been holding tipped onto Sam who stared in disbelief as stray tears fell from his eyes. Everyone just cheered awkwardly as Ponk began to walk away the memories of the caring moments he had ever had with Sam replaying in his head but Sam would not leave without a word. 

"You look so beautiful right now!" he whispered as the man couldn't help himself small blush was on his face as Ponk became flustered his breath seemed to hold in his chest as he stopped walking but soon turned back to his seat. Foolish was the one responding with "what" or "What did you mean" but the only answer he got was a small nod from his mother as if to tell him to not go on about it as the guard cleaned his uniform off and wiped the tears from his eyes. 

Next after a few others displaying peace it was Georges turn he had no idea what he was going to say but knew he would figure it out on the spot as he made his way onto the stage. He breathed in sharply as he looked around staring at some of the smiling members until he looked to the back at Ranboo he had asked the man with his eyes if Dream was there and in reality the ender man only shook his head. George despite not having any prepared speech had no idea what to say and this new information only made him tremble so he decided to admit it to everyone since this was a new beginning at least everyone would know. 

"Hi everyone, it might be a bit unusual seeing me here as normally l'm sleeping for several hours with the added bonus of getting out of bed this morning" laughter filled the room as George chuckled himself before continuing "The real reason l sleep so much is to escape the reality that has ruined my life as a whole, the several reoccurrences of blowing up L'manberg, arguments and wars that l had stopped caring about and the prison is a place l could never bring myself to go but always dreamt about. The truth is l hoped that Dream would be here today but unfortunately he is either running late or not arriving at all. Since the speech's have been about new beginnings l have decided that mine is about something l have hidden from all of you ever since the jokes about it died down. I lied about everything when in fact l was sleeping l was trying to break Dream out of prison and l just hoped that today l would see him but l guess things were never meant to be even if you love them so much, even if a child was involved!" he stopped walking over to Bad he handed him the necklace with a ring on the end. "Get along with it Bad!" he spat as he returned to his seat

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