- Treehouse -

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{ Video inspired this and all credits go to them, l don't have a YouTube channel so if you could reach out and let them know about this as l have no way to let them know and l thought they would like it. If so please comment on here about it or DM me as l in no way want to offend them}

Based just after Wilbur's death...

Dream remembered how Techno made fun of him for being homeless that one time and it soon spread across L'manberg making the teasing unbearable whenever he walked around the city. He wished that everyone who had ever called him such words would leave him alone and just go away. 

So he went into the woods the one place that barely anyone walked into only for the enjoyment of making fun of the green hooded man. He could not hurt anyone in the woods it would ruin his plan and reputation. Long hours he spent building a treehouse from wood and then added some furniture a certain brunette had gifted him. 

In a few weeks the green Teletubby was not as homeless as he might think he had a treehouse which for the few weeks he spent utterly alone. In the first week he finfishes by decorating the inside with wallpaper as it was only two rooms , a bathroom and a living room/kitchen with a sofa that could extend into a bed, no Tv but it did have a working Kitchen which was mainly used in cloudy or days were the fog was most desolate to avoid anyone from finding it. 

By the 2nd week he was relaxing in his home finally having a place to chill by himself without running into some crazed foe or allies that was just as bad as it was only teasing to at least attempt to keep the peace for a while . He would paint marvellous paintings and even made two bracelets for him and his lover. One for himself was a green with a blue embroidery of "George <3" While the one for his lover was slightly different it was his boyfriends faviroute colour of blue but in green embroidery of "Clay <3", they took him most of the week to perfect attempt after attempt but they were such a loving gift. 

The third week was when he was found by none other than Techno a man that was once partnered with him to take down the dictator that once ruled. Techno blade betrayed him by going against his crew and in turn most of his crew betrayed him too. Techno blade was at the bottom of the steps and had attempted to climb only for the blonde to threaten him with an arrow through his eyes. 

"Dreamy not so homeless anymore are you?" Techno teased while Dream put his middle finger up at him over the balcony of his treehouse just near the entrance before going inside to sit down and at least calm down. No one was meant to find this place and now Techno has would he bring more people he thought as he gripped at his ears as Techno shouted taunts louder while banding on the bark with a sword. 

The vibrations from his sword hitting the bark were enough to drive the poor man insane as he bent down onto the wall as he stumbled towards the door. He wished to drag his feet towards it and launch an arrow but the bottle he had sealed was coming undone and the liquid of his sorrows was spilled overflowing his eyes with salty emotional tears threatening to spill and create a waterfall of emotions to tumble. 

"F*Ck YOU" was heard from down below as Dream unclenched his eyes and focused on his surroundings as he came back from his emotional trip. The road had led him to such a place filled with trauma and sorrow of loss but this was getting ridiculous. It was as if he was a knight fighting hard to save his people but the only place that would get him home was to turn a corner and to be thrown into a circus with tomatoes splattering his face. 

He had in all honestly been the villain but in his lovers eyes he was his knight in shinning armour as despite no one really knew anything about their mental health they had both saved one other from horrifying situations and it was all hushed up the two loved one another greatly, so no one knew of this couple . Dream was still pressing his hands firmly against his ears he hated the constant taunts and teases and even if  he could not hear them the rapid beating of his heart freaked him out he just wanted George-

"Clay" a small voice spoke, Dream looked up to see his boyfriend, George staring at him in distress his eyebrows slightly creased and his Heterochromia Iridum (TERM- people with two different eye colours) of blue and brown met his with a dilated pupil as his eyes showed him the love he held for him. 

"G-George" he whimpered as he slowly peeled his red hands from his now ruby ears, George held the man silently by giving him a embrace by wrapping one arm around his shoulder and the other was holding his head. Dream only buried his face into his neck making George shiver at the contact byt he held him anyway for a while. 


By the time the two of them had seperated and cuddled on the sofa. George was leaning back with Dream sitting on his lap hugging into his chest.

Suddenly, the brunettes lover remembered the braclets he had made previously. He tapped Georges shoulder as he signalled for the man to wake up.

"What is it Clay?" George muttured as they peeled themselves off of each other.

"Stay there" Dream replied as he ran to go get the braclets before hiding them behind his back.

"CLAY?!" George shouted only for the blonde to return with the bracelets to be behind his back.

"Close your eyes, Georgie l have a suprise for you!" He chimmed as the brunette closed his eyes and held out his hands making Clay smirk "hes going to be so happy!" He thought.

Clay placed the beaclet for his lover in his hand of the one with his name written on  while he held the one with the name of his lover.

"Open them" Clay answered.

George opened his eyes as they dislated on the braclet in his hand his face lit up as he placed them on his wrist while Clay did the same.

George walked up to his boyfriend as he gave him a long passionate kiss in the treehouse.

PART 2??

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