- Execution of his weakness (Updated) -

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TW: Mentions of Discrimination, Slight Blood Warning, Death and Crying. 

The Festival began without any interruptions speech after speech as people of the party and citizens even if they did not like the new dictator still congratulated him, or else something would happen that people had been foretold in the past of different people who had gone missing, behind closed doors of course it was never a news story. A crowd sat below most of L'manberg was there even Dream who sat at the roof of a building he wasn't meant to be there.

Georges speech was coming up as he fiddled with his fingers watching as Tubbo smiled to the people of his nation who cheered once he came up to say his speech. In all honestly everyone adored Shlatts son he was the complete opposite of his father, he was kind, caring and a way better leader any day. George like the rest of L'manberg thought so when Jshlatts had asked for Georges support he saw it as a perfect opportunity to gain some intel while being able to sneak off to see Clay. 

He twisted his fingers as he went through the papers which held his fake speech which definitely did not display the sort of information he wanted to present. He wanted to say how everyone should just get along and how there was no need for government which made him sound a lot like Techno but he just didn't want to keep on sneaking out to see Dream every night. Tubbo had caught him around a month ago and he had only joined a few weeks before that. 

George was around Jshlatts house for a meeting one thing led to another and the dictator and ended up collapsing close to 11pm from a drunken state of drinking. Tubbo had also sneaked out to go see Tommy when Jshlatt had become way too drunk to care were his son Tobias had gone off to. Tubbo was walking up to the front door when he saw George make an entrance only for Tubbo to stare back in horror before George shut the door trying to avoid any commotion that was about to happen to wake up the sleeping members of the party. 

"George what are you doing?" he hissed as he hid a slight smirk trying to piece together exactly what was happening until he saw the bouquet of  Gardenias which represented the Greek god of dreams which caused his smirk to widen. 

"Going to see Dream are not you?" he giggled while he pushed the strap of his bag further onto his shoulder as George blushed dark red trying to hide the flowers behind his ack while looking at the ground before raising his eyes as curiosity got the best of him. 

"How did you-" He began only for Tubbo to reply with why he wasn't so traumatized with an alcoholic father when in actual fact he was spending time with the florist Nicki learning about all types of flowers so he knew those ones were a romantic gesture to Dream as last time he remembered that deffo flirting was not for a simple friendship. 

"Go on George, l know they are for Dream so how about you go and do your flirting. Shlatts is going to be out for hours. Go!" He whispered enthusiastically while he waved good bye to George as he ran off to go spend a romantic evening around Dreams house. 

He was snapped out of the memory by the familiar sound of applause he had heard all day, folding the papers in his hands, he stepped onto the podium. Staring back at him was the crowd who also adored George, although Tubbo was the only one who knew about George and Dreams relationship. He raised his head to the right only to see Dream perched on a building smiling at him with his mask lifted just above his lips, he stared on a bit more only for Dream to apparently stare back. His boyfriend lifted his mask again only to blow a kiss and wink at George which made the brunette smile wider with a pink rosy tint to his face. 

Breathing in sharply he decided to read the fake words that were presented in front of him but he longed to have bring the much longer and true speech that would show how he truly felt and who he wanted to be with. Without sneaking around with the moon and Tubbo to know and everyone to be none the wiser. 

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