- Dream's Unexpected Son - [Fluff]

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TW: Mentions of s*x, Mentions of Pregnancy Symptoms Birth, Child Abandonment (Kind of just giving up), Crying, Shouting and Swearing. (Most of this about pregnancy is barely mentioned and if any of you are uncomfortable with anything else please let me know)

This was requested by@Naomiplayz48  and l took my own spin on the request that they adopt the child and it was uncomfortable to write about the mentions of pregnancy and stuff but l thought this was nice and it was an idea already saved in my drafts. 

Dream had never wanted to know the outcome of what had happened at  a young age a simple hook up at one of his drunken pub nights in a near by village had caused the women to become pregnant. That night many years ago was one of his worsts choices, he had been drunk off his mind around 16 or 17 and had been ranting about his best friend not returning his feelings even when he had not even attempted to ask him, so the women took pity on him as they were both drunk and got a bit carried away with their feelings of lust. 

He ended up leaving the following morning both of them deciding through their hungover that being friends was the only way forward as they exchanged contacts and he left the village to return to a new city that was being built nearby. He had been living there with all of his other friends who had in fact moved there as well for a few months when he received his letter. With slightly similar handwriting to the note he had taken that early morning at that pub bedroom he dashed into his rooms on about a nap to not be disturbed before he opened it. 

Dear Dream,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and l do wish this letter would have been written for a simple meet up but this means far more. During that fateful night those months ago l think we might have gone a bit too far and l suspect l might be pregnant. My period has stopped, l'm gaining weight around my belly and being nauseous and cravings are the main symptoms. The main reason l wanted to tell you is that l will not be able to take care of the baby and my village would be too suspicious of my actions. Any way it is a far too dangerous environment for them and to say it living in L'manberg is a way better upbringing for the baby. 

Please reply to me as soon as you can and l suspect if the pregnancy goes well you the baby will be born in a few months. So sorry to crash this news on you like this but l have no real way to care for the child. 

- Daisy 

Dream could feel tears prick his eyes as he began to read through the letter his lip trembeling as he realised that when he was drunk he was just like any other teen his age irresponsible and careless. To have a child was going to be so stressful and how was he supposed to tell George, his boyfriend turns out all he needed was to wait a week or two before the brunette had the courage to ask him out. As his lip trembled as his thoughts repeated the line "She's pregnant" as he pulled at his hair gritting his teeth until he heard the front door open. That was George who had returned from his work at the bakery he was walking up the stairs when Dream sat on the bed staring at the door his head in his hands as he attempted not to burst into tears.

George opened the door and was greeted by his boyfriend of around 5 months gripping his hair with tears building up in his emerald eyes. A letter was beside him in crumpled parchment with neat handwriting but the brunette only saw to help out his boyfriend. 

He set his bag on the floor near "Dream... You ok?" he asked as he crouched down in front of him resting a reassuring hand on his knee, causing the blonde to look up as a small tears escaped the teens eyes. George smiled sweetly as Dream attempted to return the favour but found that his frown was stuck in place and would fall into place when he attempted to show a small smile back. 

Without warning he lurched forward eyes filling up with tears again which spilled faster and faster as he sobbed onto his boyfriends shoulder. Both of the seventeen year olds locked themselves in a tight embrace as Dream sobbed harshly until the tears could not fall anymore and all that was left was small sobs. 

"Your ok" George whispered in Dreams ear as the male made sure he could let any more sobs go so he would not break down again before he asked him the question he had been asking himself "What got you so riled up Clay?" he asked him as Dream sobbed one last time before they separated from the hug, the blonde turned to the bed as his shoulders sagged. Grabbing the parchment he handed him the letter before curling up with his head in his hands and knees close to his chest. He sobbed as his boyfriend read the sins of his actions, or at least he saw them as sins. George read through the letter his eyes filled up with tears as well but not from disgust but of something far different. 

"You have every right to break up with me George, you can kick me out and leave me to fend for myself l have done something so careless and irresponsible and now l'm going to be a father at 17" he muttered as George crawled over to him sitting with his back against the bed right next to his beloved. 

"You dumb P*ssbaby l'm not breaking up with you or anything of the sort, that is child that is part you who l will love and cherish just like you. People make mistakes but it only what you do after them that counts, ok?" He extended his arm out while he spoke as Dream slowly excepted it as he spoke leaning with on his boyfriends chest with his arm around his shoulder keeping him there as the blonde nodded in agreement. They were going to raise this child together!

*****( Few months later )*****

The beautiful baby baby was laid in the blondes arms in the nearby fields of in-between Daisy and Dream locations. George was right next to the blonde and his child as they all sat in the nearby fields planning on talking for a bit before they went their separate ways. 

"What is to be done with the child?" George asked as he had an arm wrapped around the other mans shoulder who was cooing at the sleeping new born in his arms. 

"I can't have the child unfortunately its too much hassle for me at the moment so l think that you two should take him" Daisy finished a small smile on her face as she soon stood up and brushed down her clothing. Dream getting the hint stood up with her tapping George on the shoulder to follow as well. 

He handed the blonde baby to George who cooed at the gorgeous babe while Dream hugged Daisy tightly "If you ever need anything or want to see him whenever just ask" he commented while she gave him a reassuring smile. 

"l will if l ever need to just promise me you and your boyfriend will give him the life he deserves and let him know that George is his dad as well if he ever asks about his mother just say the truth when he is old enough, l do love him but he needs an amazing childhood away from violence" she said her eyes filled with tears which she wiped away before turning to walk back home. 

Suddenly Dream remembered "What's the baby's name?" he called after her she turned around smiling as she placed a hand up to shield her eyes.


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