- Georges Homesick - (Updated)

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George wondered the many halls of his castle for days upon days each room became a place he visited and memorised so often he could close his eyes and walk around to the kitchen and his room without stubbing a toe. The nights grew longer while the days melded together with it being only him, himself and l as company through out the many weeks alone. 

King George was utterly alone abandoned while most of his subjects abandoned him as he identified it while some were happy to stay and live with him the idea of losing that one person grew on his mind so much that the closest of knights left. A few stayed with him until he got worse the trauma was left to rot in Georges head and his head alone. Everyone was gone normally Dream accompanied him but he had business to attend to and he wouldn't be back yet. Although George knew he was dead he had died trying to save some stupid items that he thought would mean more to him then his lovers life to send him in there.

He went out for the first month until his house got burned down the one that him and his boyfriend had built together that was when the homesickness crept in. This type was a sickness made from missing his hobbit house but also his boyfriend. He stayed in the next month when people left and the third was his solitary confinement. 

The nights were different from the day not only were they the contrast of light or dark. The darkness brought terrible thoughts to his head each more terrifying than the last. The thoughts turned over the period of the night to a horrific flashback that haunted him to sunrise. 


The house was ablaze. The hobbit house was burnt to the ground each pillar and block that had been laid by George was gone. The smoke made him collapse to his knees grasping for breath each breath was a struggle already with how his panic attack had started. Tears filled his eyes, not only had he built this but also his lover Clay had joined him and someone had burnt it the b*stards had burnt the one place he treasured more than anything. 

It was gone all of it was crumbling as the fire crackled and glass melted from the increase in heat as he could see the picture frames he treasured bubble and boil into molten rock. Burnt furniture lay everywhere as sparks started to form before they exploded  sending cackles of flame into the sky as the smoke grey darker and spread around the area causing him to cough. Where was Clay? he had gone in to rescue their most treasured items but he hadn't seen him come out into the area at all, was he dead burnt to a crisp like one of their creations. 

"Gone" his mind whispered as he thought of everything they had ever done as Sam pulled him away from the house before it exploded by the TNT left in the ground to fully destroy it more than ever. 

"l needed Clay now" he muttered as he pulled on the mans grip who only tightened as he flung him by his waist onto the floor. He couldn't breath at all as harsh coughs left his throat as he placed his hand in front of his mouth still keeping his mannerisms. 

"Never to be again" he whispered as he knelt backwards almost collapsing as the guard moved him round into a hug. George was sobbing now as thoughts spiralled and spiralled as he was "Gone forever" and would never come back to him unknown to them he made a small grave in the woods which no one knew about apart from the guards questioning him were his mask had gone to. 


Clay found the love of his life after a long day of hunting as some of his knights who had accompanied him on this three month road trip. The guards had left each day until they informed him that George was on his own for when Clay arrived it was mainly because of the increase of security and how Clay suggested leaving him alone would do him so good. Before he left after the burning of their home away from home he went to check on George but he was asleep. 

His mushroom prince was stunned against the wall back up against it, nails digging into his skin, tearing out his hair. Staring at the floor never wanting to raise his head until the love of his life embraced him hugging  him to his chest rocking him from back and forth.

"Oh George its alright l'm here" he whispered repeatedly in a honey laced voice that comforted 

After a while the whole panic attack had calmed down only as George sniffed.

He looked around seeing Clay he grinned smiling sweetly before crying tears of joy.

"I was only gone a day or two Georgie what got you so worked up?" Clay asked his lover.

"It was my hobbit house that we built and how everyone abandoned me" he said sadly "I watched you die in that"

"George l am not dead l visited you every few days but you were asleep anyways We can build another and anyway the rest will come soon l promise" he kissed his forehead as they hugged some more.


After the long deserved hug. Clay carried Georgie to bed as Clay laid down George snuggled closer to him.They pecked each others lips wishing goodnight to one another before the cuddled and fell asleep as George planned to at least 

                      The End

This was lovely requested by: 1-800-BI_TEA

Go follow them there an Angel. 😇
(Names literally Angel)
I used they/them as l don't know their pronouns

Requests here.

Bye bookworms 🌌 📚

- Eddie they/them he/him 

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