- Tommy's Comfort - (Updated) [Fluff, bit angst at the start]

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Tommy was awoken by an owl on his window tapping on the glass in a repetitive pattern until the teen got up reaching for the window he opened it and took the letter from the barn owls grip. Yawning he decided to leave the comfort of his bedroom and head down the wooden staircase. With every step a small squeak he finally made his way down the stairs swing round on the las step with the railing. 

His father, Philza, was sitting up to the wooden dinning table with Philza drinking tea while he stared at the fire which illuminated his face as well as the sunlight steaming through the open lime curtains. In the centre of the table a tray was placed showing a Yellow, Pink and Red mug with sugar, milk and a tea pot in the middle. 

"l have a Letter Phil" he exclaimed as he handed his father the letter and sat down across from him. As the letter was being opened the teen decided to have a cup of tea. He grabbed the red mug pouring his chosen amount of sugar 4 spoonful's (since Philza was distracted) then the hot water, teabag and milk before scooping the tea bag up and placing it in the small bowl. 

His father had finished the reading the letter after peeling the royal seal off to show to his son wo took the letter to read with shaky hands. It was rare to recieve a letter of any kind these days normally it was delivered but an owl meant secrecy since it was an animal it couldn't tell anyone what would go unnoticed this time of the morning. Also Royalty would send mail normally with Ranboo, his platonic husband Tubbo and sometimes their adopted son Michael would deliver them door to door. That was all that went through his mind as he read the neat hand writing over and over trying to get to grips with it. 

Dear Tommy INIT, 

By requests of the prince and his top knight you are invited to dinner tonight at the castle. Attendants will be Dream and l who will be wearing formal attire and would be overjoyed if you would dress up for this occasion. The dinner will start at 7pm so therefore Dream will meet you at the front of the castle and escort you inside. We both would be delightful for you to join us this evening and catch up. 

Yours Faithfully, 


Tommy jaw was wide as he finally managed to picture it clear in his mind as he stared at his father. He was drinking his tea with a small smile at Tommy which didn't meet his eye and the worry in his green eyes was sending the teen into panic. Sure he was invited to meet the Prince George it was an honour to be in his presence but they were not on great terms last time he checked. He was alright with King Eret who had taken his friend George as a Prince after he was dethroned by the knight, it was not how the royal system works but it was his choice and as King everyone agreed and respected it. This had put George and Dream on good terms again since you could tell from the letter that they had sorted their friendship out but Tommy was not so sure it would work with his connection with the Prince. 

Tommy had tortured the man several times before and after his coronation he had teased him of the endless tension between him and Dream, battling him randomly and spooking him when he would be building his cottage. Then after he was coronated he had raided and  burnt his cottage to the ground and when the prince was in his castle sleeping or working he would mess around outside or try to break in. In reality he was let free from imprisonment or exile due to him being a kid and how harsh the royal was with his knight but the teenager wasn't the most favoured at the moment. Especially with George.

Tommy remembers walking into the entrance of the castle scared out of his mind he had attempted to look presentable with a black suit accompanied by a red tie and a white shirt underneath, his blonde fluffy hair was washed and brushed with clean shinny black shoes. He looked stunning and it would be a lie to say that Philza had not taken a picture and shed a tear at how the teenager looked so much mature. Yet his personality had not dispersed here he was on the outside of the steps looking around muttering curses and kicking stones with his shoe, the green masked man was not here. 

That's it he had been played sent into embarrassment he had been played and would probably be arrested or maybe he would go in and be screamed at. With the raging thoughts each giving the teenager added stress and panic he collapsed on the steps facing away from the castle with his arms resting on his legs as he shook. Tears filled his eyes he just couldn't go in and even if he was to he had to wait for Dream or to be arrested and that's when he had started sobbing. 


Dream saw the teen from a mile off his neat completion made him look like a guest at a wedding or an important business meeting. He  was walking to the castle to introduce the brand new him someone who had completely changed and had some great victory's to prove it. Let's just say that George was not fond of his boyfriends actions and had even threatened to kick him out for it. He shook in the cold and of the memory of his lover asking him over and over if he hated him when in hindsight he loved him more than anything in the universe. 

As the man approached the teenager he realised that he had not noticed his presence, sitting next to him. Dream rubbed the blondes back in small circles until he stopped panicking whipping the tears from his eyes as quick as anything. Dream was not wearing a mask which shocked Tommy at first with how his face was pale but with a scar over his face one going down his left eye and one at the corner of his lip on the left side. 

He glared at Dream showing how much he hated vulnerability especially with a man who had threatened him to loose all social communication; so before calling him a "pissbaby" swearing profoundly at him he rose to his feet using his sleeve to wipe his tears as they stalked closer to the door. They opened wider when they arrived presenting a small hall filled with blue, green objects and colours as well as a medieval style. 

A small dinning table of Blue cloth and clear white plates was set with sandwiches and delectable snack of the time in front of it. They remained at the head of the table which showed the head of the table being just like the other wooden chairs, everything was equal in this castle. George was walking through the hall when he saw his darling boyfriend in his black suit with the green tie, without his mask or armour. 

"Dream" George screamed as he ran through he halls engulfing his boyfriend in a hug before they lightly pecked lips and Dream kissed his cheek sweetly all the while Dream held the mans hips and the Prince had his arms around his neck. They separated so then you could seen the royals clothing which was a completely blue suit with a red cloak pinned around his neck and mushroom hair clips in his brown hair. 

"Hello my mushroom prince" he hummed as they intertwined their fingers both exchanging small smiles and light giggles in the air. They only separated their hands when George would later shake the teens hand. 

Dream only laughed at Tommy's perplexed face which had turned a bright red in embarrassment before he muttered a small "That was F*cking embarrassing" before returning to the royal to the side of him who was a bit flustered as he might have accidently forgotten that the child was there. George smiled sweetly at the man shaking Tommy's hand before he turned his look into one with narrowed eyebrows and a stern glare which matched his bitter voice perfectly.

"Listen Tommyinit l know you burnt my hobbit house, the house me and Dream were going to live in. The house l spent weeks building was burnt by YOU" Tommy looked down tears filling in his eyes he had been expecting it. The hard reality that he was a criminal and the punishment was not a simple slap on his wrist. 

While Dream was perplexed to see such anger in his boyfriends words even debating whether or not to step in and stop him from throwing a punch. Although George smirked winking at him causing Dream to smile slightly before mirroring a slightly bitter face as his beloved mushroom prince. 

"Tommy despite that you are an amazing warrior who has fought for your nation in hopes of freedom. So give me a hug you moron" George engulfed him in a hug which the teen returned as he tried not to bury his face in his friends shoulder and wipe his snot and tears onto it. 

With that the three went to have dinner and catch up not as enemies but as Friends as Tommy learnt the true extent of how love could change a hero such as Dream into a villain and how Tubbo, Ranboo and many other friends could join them for a similar event like a party of a banquet. 

Wow five chapters in one day that is it for today as l am all tired out.

Thank you for reading 📚 💙💜💛

Word count: 1676


Bye bookworms 🌌 📚

- Eddie they/them he/him

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