- Kidnapping -

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TW: Blood, Torture, separation, death, shouting, crying and some detailed wound description. 

George hated it the internal and external pain, being chained to a wall, the disgusting face of his capturer and being here with no volition in the matter and most importantly being away from his Clay. He was supposed to get married soon but he just had to be captured at his bachelor party with his drink spiked, an explosion at the front of the house to distract his slightly sober friends and Clay was enjoying his own party to protect him.

Looking down at his hand he whimpered through gritted blood-stained teeth as his neck was stiff from staring at the wall ; he had completely forgotten what had happened to the ring it was absolutely beautiful when he had said YES to the love of his life and admired it for hours when he was talking with his friends. An image became crystal clear in his head as he recalled the twists of Blue around the silver ring and then the yellow twists around it with a blue crystal. The yellow was what he could see on Dreams ring which was similar, with a yellow jewel, he had been told it was green so the gesture was adorable when he told him it was a combination of their cliché colours of blue and green.

HIs capturer had not taken it, he had done something far worse. If it was taken George would know he would probably never see it again but he knew it was not gone forever. However his capturer tortured him all in a way to know more about Dream and him. It was not so bad as George had survived a lot worse until he saw the ring. 

"Please don't..." he begged as the panic is his voice finally came through while the capturer held the ring in his palm a few inches from his face, George was already tugging on his restraints trying to get a little closer but it did not work. The man then placed it on the floor as he walked away to go grab what he needed. While George scraped his hands at the grey concrete trying desperately to capture the ring and hide it, he was not crying yet. 

The man walked in with a bucket full of golden lava as he looked over to George he laughed again. "This isn't for you yet, unless you try to grab it" the sadistic chuckled as he tipped a small volume of liquid onto the ring causing it to disintegrate

George would have grabbed it but the LAVA had burnt the tips of his fingers causing him to yelp and whimper into the wall like a wounded animal, the man left. George watched as the very thing he loved was just a sizzling puddle of orange flakes that glowed warmth, his Goosebumps went away but he was not that grateful. His face was flushed with the cold as a waterfall finally gushed from his eyes leaving him a sobbing mess. 

George traced the burn marks on were his fingerprints and nails were supposed to be but was left with a stinging pain with an ache in his heart. A plate of what seemed to be stale portion of  with a hint of mould was left on the floor next to him which he reached for. The chains rubbed against his skin like sandpaper giving him horrible blisters that peeled when he moved to stop himself from getting pins and needles. Internal bleeding left what appeared as bruises on his skin around his stomach which was easy to see through the rags that once were his clothes. Tear marks felt crusty on his face as he finally finished the bread and left the entertainment to his consciousness to at least think for a bit. 

Fatigue was also an issue but he knew he was going to die if he slipped into one of his favoured daydreams of being with Clay. It was one were blood wasn't falling from his lips, were knives had not being carving his skin with slurs and cruses spat in his face when he cried. 

One thing stayed with him as he continued to try not to day dream too much as if he would easily fall asleep like he always did. The one thought that pounded in his mind was if he just let himself go he had been left to do once the kidnapper had left going else where and had been gone for days. He missed Clay so much but the was becoming unavoidable in waves that would wash over him for hours. His head felt although it had been hit against a brick wall and his ears felt stuffed with cotton, he was in so much pain and then it hit him. 

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