- Mountains -

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Dream and George had lived a beautiful life in the mountains inside the shelter they had built, while living with their wonderful cat Patches. They had moved here around a year ago, well George had. The place he used to live was a city built by his friends and family known as L'manberg somewhere he had helped construct but ended up abandoning it after he lost some of his land and houses. If George was to ever go back there to the city he would be tortured and executed as in everyone's eyes he was a traitor who most had predicted died in the outlands when in fact he was living in the mountains and dating Dream in secret, of course.

He also left when explosions, rebellions and dictators took over around a year ago when he had, been dating Dream for around a year at the time which was still in secret then and now. Dream was the one who helped him through it building the marvellous cottage and visited him often to avoid from him getting Cabin Fever. Only a few months ago had Dream started staying the night and just cuddling with him through the night in his bedroom. The other way was when they spent a few hours in the day on the sofa before he had to leave to avoid any suspicion.

The cottage was built into the side of the mountain which Dream had grown tired of climbing through the tunnels every day where he would have to fight a mob in the darkness. So instead he stayed there for a week which had then turned into a month. The stress of staying there and getting caught were high as apparently Dream was not the most friendly of people in L'manberg being wanted for many crimes. Although that's all George knew and would ever know as far as Dream was concerned.

This morning, Dream had woken up to his lover huddled up to his chest fast asleep with his hands clasped together as Dream had his arm around his waist and hand off to the side in the brunettes hair. Patches was at the end of the bed snuggling up to the white huge fluffy blanket while Dream watched George move his head further into Dreams chest and moving his head against the lush pastel blue covers.

Dream smiled down at his beloved with a small smile planted on his lips as he realised that George had asked him last night to wake him up early so they could watch the deer graze on the balcony and then relax for the day. He was injured after all a huge leg wound from an incident days earlier which Dream always cleaned as George would puke at the sight of gore and blood.

"Georgie please wake up" Dream yawned as he shook the boy lightly in his arms who groaned and tried to snuggle under the covers in his tired state. "George C'mon..." Dream giggled as he grabbed the covers pulling them over himself and his mushroom prince as he called them. The cold met his body causing him to shiver as George groaned through chuckles trying to get out of it.

"No Dream please l wanna sleep!" he groaned but Dream knew a way to get the boy from falling asleep in the cold as this man could sleep anywhere and at any time. This whole situation made him laugh as George pouted and cuddled up to the covers trying to pull himself back into a sleepy state.

Dream having enough leant next to the boys ear as he whispered the one thing that would make the man spring up in anticipation of the event he had planned for days. "Deer" dream chimed as he stepped back watching the man spike into his excited self. He crossed his arms after he placed his slipper and robe on.

Georges eyes widened as he laughed to himself moving quickly to the end of the king sized bed swinging his legs around he rushed to get his blue slippers on. He sprung up as Dream began to wheeze as George ran out the door of the bedroom he stopped when he heard a CRASH. Dream was the one springing into action as he ran out finding his beloved on the floor clutching his leg.

"Dream, l kind of forgot that l got wounded and l fell...OW" he whimpered sheepishly as his lover picked him up of the floor where he laid. Dream placed him gently on the floor as he clung to him while his knight in shinning arm put a arm under his to help him walk to the balcony.

The balcony was two stories high and would overlook the many fields over looked by the height of the mountain it was the only thing that really stuck out but to get to the house was a number of tunnels to securely get to their front door alone.

"You alright Hun?" Dream chimed as George leaned into his side humming a 'mhm' as he closed his eyes allowing the cold wind of the early morning to finally wake him up and sooth the pain in his leg wound.

"Can l have some tea Love?" George asked as Dream nodded kissing his forehead before he left the balcony and walked into the kitchen which was next to the balcony as he the memories flooded back of a similar situation that had occurred.


A few days ago in the early mornings Dream was awoken this time by his lover who had decided it would be best for them to watch the deer again it was quite cold this winter and Dream remembered how George ran off to get a head start as he slugged around getting ready. He had gone to boil the kettle after getting his green robe and slippers on to keep him warm. He made some tea using the cups they had both made on their second date in the pottery classes Nicki used to run a year or two ago.

Once he had added the two spoonful of sugar for George and the same amount for himself he placed the tea bags, poured the water they collected from the rain and mountain. Then he finished it off by adding the cows milk from the glass bottle as he placed it back in the fridge he realised he would need to get more from L'manberg.

As he turned carrying the cups on a tray he noticed that George was not on the balcony and as he looked around his eyes fell as the snow did onto the balcony. Once he saw the hand clinging to the side of the wooden balcony he dropped the tray on the floor as it smashed he dashed outside. Leaning over the balcony he saw George holding on for dear life as he reached out holding his hand with two as he pulled the boy up into his arms. Part of the balcony wood was broken where he had found him as he saw a puddle of blood formed were the injury was.

Dream held the man anyway as his love clung to him letting small sobs escape as he hid his face in his chest as Dream combed his hand through his hair as he whispered sweet things in his ear.


Dream walked onto the balcony mainly to give the man of his dreams his tea which he gratefully took as Dream grabbed his cup and placed the tray on his outside table. Then George curled his arm around Dreams forearm as he guided him towards him. George led his hand down the mans arm until he was holding his hand as he pulled him closer until he had his lovers arms around his shoulders and then leaned against him with his back on Dreams front. Dreams hands rested around the mans middle as they both intertwined their hands. To put it simply George had his back to Dream as he learnt forewords with one hand over his shoulder to hold his hand while they both drank tea leaning into each others embrace and relaxed for the rest of the day!


This was taken out of my "Invasion of Privacy" book as l thought it was so cute! 

 word count: 1400


- Eddie they\them he\him

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