Chapter Twenty Nine

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Sad Truth.

Geovy's P. O. V.

How long does Sensui courted me? 
What happened that years me and sioPao missed?  Alright Alright. Let me explain.

The heartbreak stage that I went through that moment when he asked me.. "Are you gonna let go or let go? " That phase passed like..  A breeze because after that incident my new friends now understand that I am not just that jolly.  I cried too.

I didn't just cried at the event but also in their shoulders but after that they make me laugh that it makes me safe.  My life became busy and also..  So tiring. The moment that he decided not to show up,  I had been praying and always ask from above.. Where is the one..?

Do i know him?  Do I need to explore another world?  There I met another suitor.  As if the God said "Here don't be sad and be happy for now".

The suitor was kind but more emotional than I am and immature despite of his age.  I don't know how to handle him at that time.

Things changed even more when my younger brother was born, exactly the same birthdate as I am but not year.  Also, I have been a proof that some stories from wattpad was true!

I have met Sensui in a party on one of my friends that soothed me after the heartbreak scenario with Siopao.  That was the first time,  I felt my hair was so long because after the party he asked for my name from my friend and pm me.

Two suitors!  What could I ask for? But in the end, they can't turn me to say yes. Its not only Sensui who has that sincere attitude but also the first guy who courted me.  It is so hard to say the words that almost felt like the same as the heartbreaking scenario with sioPao but I needed to do it not only for me but for them and the truth.

I thought crying on a rejection while rejecting a person before means she/he loves him but I learned that crying might mean sincerity not a weakness.

That happened when Paolo and Me had no contact through the years.  I understand him now.

But then again,  Rejecting a person is also hard because the blame might push on the one who did it but who said that Guilt can't kill a person.

Have you ever been in a position that you felt that love, but you knew it was enough while your heart never agreed.

Those where like an absolute answer when I met the two men and here I am,  planning on rejecting Sensui while I am sighing from here and there.

I decided to talk to our mutual friend named Stephanie before making clear of my decision.  She became my great supporter and my best girl friend since I met her.  She never fails to help me in terms of slowing down my words.

Yep,  my words are sharp as a knife when I met someone, it might be a compliment or an insult and you straightly know what are the difference of the two.

Ms.Bakla Meets Mr.TomboyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon