Chapter Fourty Two

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Maybe, The sunset will tell us?

Paolo's P. O. V.

S-She changed.  She looks happier now and she became thinner than before. I told her that she looks great and she said thank you.  My compliments before was being ignored by this woman.  The sudden change was making me smile and replied her thanks with.  "You changed a lot and that is great. "

"You too" she said even she is on her facemask.  But she might be still shy? Anyway, I can see her smiles on her eyes but then when the air suddenly became quiet and our eyes met. 

The atmosphere changed from happiness to something scary. Joke we are already on our 20's but we still don't let that thing happen since we both knew that being a parent was hard especially we have younger siblings that were both toddler. We talked about plans, I mean I talked about my plans with her in the future like I always did before and maybe she could share hers as well but I don't think she got my signal and just listened.

We watched a half of a movie cartoon and we both became quiet as i observed the actions of the cartoon, she mumbles the lines and I looked at her. "Huh?" the scene was sword fighting while the people or character are exchanging words. "I am saying that it is really true, sometimes what you wanted to find is already near" she smiled and defensively crossed her arms which made me laugh.

She laughed as well and suddenly I remembered the world was experiencing pandemic and asked her. " Why you still went to see me?" I smiled after which somehow makes her eyes wide.

I didn't ask her about anything, something about what we have. "Its your birthday" she is looking away. I never knew a shy Geovy exists. "Hmm, you should have just greeted me" I said which she rolled her eyes. "You blocked me" oops another cute reaction. " Do you really need to go here?" I don't want to assume either so I asked. 

"You didn't asked bluntly before, well because you're special" she said with a laugh to try hide her smile. "I a-am wh-" my sentence didn't get into reality because my  older brother upstairs called me and I asked her  " Do you want to see the sunset upstairs?" I smiled and she nodded.

I am receiving stares as I introduce her as my schoolmate before, she greeted them nicely and slowly went to the terrace and smiled widely. "What a scene" I said that made her look at me and she smile brightly. "I know right, the sunset is so beautiful" she said and faces it again.

"So are you" I whispered to myself before asking her. "You should eat first, thanks for the effort of going here and for the gift" I smiled and she smiled back "No problem"

It was indeed a Happy Birthday but also another question rises,  what kind of special am I to her? Is it something like a potential partner or just a friend? But I didn't know why I suddenly feel relieved and at ease, knowing and looking that she is physically here. Alright, I admit I love her but does she love me?

I walked her to her street which she needs to walk for about 10 minutes to reach her house. I didn't know how many minutes really but for me that is already quite far from my house. We said goodbyes as we both walk away, my heart was at peace even she tried to said some words that are confusing. 

I just know, she might be the one and the whole search  for the one is gone.

Geovy's P. O. V.

-The next day-

I will tell you, I feel so recharged after meeting him and its quite good for months actually even he doesn't know about it or maybe he understands already the special?

In life there are really figures of speech that are not only seen in paper that is why I am not quick to assume things and just being present in life.

I feel so productive the next day and want to change my whole life but the craziest part was, I started to see myself the prettiest woman when I am with him but I still don't know what these feelings are.

Ms.Bakla Meets Mr.TomboyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon