Chapter Twenty One

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Date and Worship

Geovy's P.O.V.

I acted like nothing happened before and it went well.  We went to his church and I smiled to him, also to other people on the church. I didn't know why he needs to wear white shoes in this kind of weather which is a rainy season but he look great. I bet he knows that he looks great, so I shouldn't tell it to him or maybe tell it later after this.

Paolo is the lead or other lead in the church or I think it is his turn to lead and he invited me to know how great their religion was. 

Time passes by as I sing along to their Christian songs, I stole glances from him and I smiled. He is really hands-. Geovy Michelle Flores, you are here for him, not on your seatmate again. after the scolding myself, I am back on looking around and I smiled.

It is half day on giving the Lord the time, in this religion which is cool to know and smiled as the worshiped finished. I really have a happy time getting to know more about God and his other side which brings me smile.

Paolo's P.O.V.

I felt her presence beside me, I can't help but to thank the God that she allowed this woman to come with me. This woman is so cute, stealing glances then closing her eyes right after. How do i know? Well, I also checking her if she is enjoying it and it feels like she was and I am glad to find that out. Should I say my purpose why I am inviting her? 

I miss her and how close we are before, I hope we became like that again or more than that. Yep, I admit now that I still like her but I don't think It is a great idea to tell it to her. My friends and family are here but I told them, she is just a special friend..

Not the kind of special who I want in bed but maybe a partner in life. Maybe because I am so unsure what will happen next but I hope God is within us both. The sparks together are surreal but it feels nostalgic and comfortable.

When I met her, I instantly became so happy inside, unlike when I am meeting with other girls or woman. Do I still have a chance?

I hope we can still have a chance. I made an effort to invite her, I hope this time she will think that I am now serious than ever and more matured. Unlike before, when I was eaten by my shyness and distanced myself from her.

I hope I can manage to invite her again in the future.

Ms.Bakla Meets Mr.TomboyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon