Chapter Thirty Seven

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Geovy's P. O. V.

I just hope for the best this year even it was called lockdown. It is kinda tiring, here in the Philippines we as well as Paolo and Rellane were first batch of K-12 curriculum. Technically made our studying longer and also quite fun. I chose the program,  BS Psychology in a sense that I can relate to its really intention.

Psychology is a branch of science that studies mind and behavior.  As an ambivert, where mostly in group I am an observer and when you talk one on one I am a talker.  Psychology is kinda natural for me in order not to just understand the other people but myself better.  Have you notice that since we are on online world, mental ilnesses awareness are slowly invading and some are making fun of it?

I actually don't like those idea because   mostly people with mental illnesses are a functioning human being.  You can't classify it in the outer look and also you can't generalize all mental disorders, harmful because they were doing more on self-destruction not harming other people.

Having so many roles as a human being is quite normal for a matured person at age of 20, I had realized that complaining just make your day bad. Smile and appreciate, so you can be happy.  Appreciate doesn't mean being fake but being thankful.

So what happened to Rellane?  She is being a detective.  I don't really know why would she ask those things like "Where is he" or something more like "What is his mother's name? "

Is she okay?  But nevertheless,  I believe in her since she is always a strong woman with strong mind and has plenty of connections.

I can't really tell her/his personal information since being a psychology student means you should value the privacy and confidentiality of what the people said to you.

Paolo?  Well, I don't have really a contact with him right now.  Because since online classes were just starting we students and professors, needed to adapt in order to do their job and help us students to understand slowly what jobs were more inclined with us.

Human is human even he/she is black,white or brown, even she/he is with a disabilities, even he/she has a mental disability,  even his/her style is different from yours and even his/her beliefs are different than yours.

"Let's Eat! " my younger sister called me who is on the living room.
When I went outside the room and met her.

My mother shouted from the laundry part of the house "Geovy,  the dishes are still unclean!"

Yes, yes, One of my daily routine is a dish cleaner. "Yes, I will do it right away after eating some bread here"

I smiled as I saw my younger siblings.  I am the oldest of 5 kids. Also, the kind of connector of both kids and parents sometimes grandparents translator too since I am quite close to them.

Me,  a psychology student
Mom is a teacher
Dad is a nurse
The second one is taking a 19 years old
The third one is 17 years old
The fourth one is 15 years old
The fifth one is 3 years old.

I don't usually tell this from my mind since I am still running from the responsibilities of the first child but that is the sad truth.  I call myself as the "Core" since I am the first female grandchild also of both sides of my parents.

Ms.Bakla Meets Mr.TomboyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon