Chapter Thirty Six

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Rellane's P. O. V.

Sensui and me talked about what she liked about Geovy because he had been courting her for years. He told me because She was Geovy and I try to wait but his answer was that short.  I asked him another question.  "What is your job? "

"Waiter at a Restaurant and currently saving so I can be with my family" he said
"Family,  Are you married? " I  looked at him straight in his eyes and laughed.
"W-What are you talking about? Hahaha I meant to be with my parents and siblings" I nodded

As you can see,  I am now genuinely interested on knowing him.

"Where are they? " I asked but then that was the time he finishes his noodles and stand up. 

"Somewhere, Oh I never get your name.." He said.

"It is Rellane" I said and smiled then he walks again after he said in monotone.  "You are Beautiful, Rellane"

I just smiled but in my insides,  I feel butterflies like I didn't get before. I never thought that was the last time we will met.

Geovy's P. O. V.

It was Saturday in the morning when a group chat was created by Rellane to ask " Where is Sensui? "

I just replied, "I don't know since I break his heart"

Paolo replied "We are not friends"

If only this was a video call, I would laugh since I knew behind that cold statement was annoyance.

Rellane: " Help me find himmm.  It is emergency" 

Me: "How urgent is that emergency? "

Rellane: " Nowwww, I have his baby" 

Paolo interrupted and replied to her. 

"That reason was expired, you used it before you went and find me here"

I laughed and replied to Rellane too " Maybe you meant that cupid hit you.😂" 

Rellane: "How did you knew?  is it obvious? " 

Paolo: " No it's not,  you are both bothering us in pm and now here in gc"

Rellane: "Ohhh I smell fishyy"

Me: "ohhh I smell fishyy too..  Goodluck on finding him byeee"

Paolo: "Go use your detective skills and haunt or hunt him bye"

••• Rellane was about to say something on the chat but Paolo left and I also left because she might push us to be detectives.

Paolo's P.O.V.

Me and Geovy rarely chat each other nowadays because of online classes and clashes of class schedules but every chat was different and kind of crazy as it seems. Not the usual chat convo of both me and her. Rellane was still doing her thing and acted like a baby who needs both mommy and daddy's advice but ended up choosing her decision after the gathering of advices that we gave her.

She was determined to meet Sensui again which I can't understand why. We just really hope now that she is doing that for herself not because of pushing Sensui back to Geovy. As if we really progress in big time, we were back on square one because of this pandemic. We are not the social media person, I mean I am not. I prefer face to face interaction more than this usual set up.

In that way, I can convince the people not just by words that I had given but also the tone, expression and show them that I have a confidence on the said product. This pandemic shows me that I really to be more flexible than I ever was.

Ms.Bakla Meets Mr.TomboyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon