Chapter Fourty Three

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The Words.

Geovy's P. O. V.

-After a month-

I am busy doing household chores and doing my assignments. When he chatted me first, I instantly smiled.  I didn't chat him because I don't want to bother him or irritate him. He chatted me and asking me, If we could meet up.  Just being me, I know but that made me giggle and replied "Sure" a cold response but definitely smiling wide in reality.

We met before the sun rise, where absolutely only few were awake which is alright for me since I am a morning person or the alarm clock in my own family. 

He called me on my phone while I am preparing and tying my shoes.  I don't really put an effort in my clothes when I am with him because I love breaking stereotypes.  I wore a boy sando that shows my arms and it is color black then a basketball shorts because why not? 

With matching black runing shoes and answered the phone.  "Yes?  Goodmorning? " I answered in a low tone and he chuckled a litte before answering.  " Go out here or I will press the doorbell hahaha your voice seems like you just woke up."

I pouted since he is still on outside, he can't see my face and I tied my hair into a  middle ponytail.  "Wait a minute,  I'll just get my bag" I tapped the red call button and get my backpack before heading outside.

Paolo's P.O.V.

I am waiting for her outside, I dressed up comfortably like what she always does because why would we dress up for others, we should just dress up for ourselves and be our own self. Wait, wait, wait I sound like Geovy for that second.

I am expecting that she would dress up for today but also its fine if she is just the way she is because I know it is better to have a conversation with her while she is comfortable and not bothered on the way she dress up. Expect the unexpected when it comes to her.

She get out with a cool get up but wait, "jeans? Why jeans?" I widened my eyes as i realized I said it out loud. She giggled, " well I just exposed my arms, why would I expose my legs? Its my style." I nodded and smiled. A wild but feminine? Definitely a boyish outfit are really perfect for her, It shows both her personality and nature which is being feminine.

"You got nice outfit too, White fitted shirt and knee shorts" She laughed after "We don't look like we are both in for jogging, its like we are going somewhere" she added and I laughed along "Well lets rather walk then" She nodded and we both start walking. 

We both walk to a very long straight street for about 5 mins and we are both in silence, I still feel the fun despite of the silence we shared. I feel so great standing beside her, she broke the silence "Our  Senior Highschool life, surely is painful and fun too right?" she said with a kind soft tone which also makes me wonder if that was her usual tone since I like to make her laugh, aside from her laughing which can be pandemic too because you will be laughing with her by the time you didn't notice.

"Right" painful enough that we didn't became friends for long at that time. Because I can't balance everything in my palm yet, I didn't know the emotions, the right way to show it and many more. "Let's forget the past, we are already here in present" I said coldly as I know that I am right.

" Don't be bitter to our past, without it, I will not know you and my founded friends after you." She smiled with her eyes. We are still in face masks  but we know how beautiful is each other's smile when we are together, or maybe I just know?

Geovy's P.O.V.

I stopped walking and let him walk alone in front of me, I am not a skilled photographer but I loved looking backs than nothing to see, I captured him with his cap and walking with the sun slowly shining in its peak. I blushed when I remembered that I back hugged him before. H-He really changed and I hope his feelings won't. I walked hurriedly beside him and tease him. "You said jogging? why are we walking? " I giggled and faces him when he stopped walking.

"I know you love walking, Why would I push jogging?" he look straight into my eyes. I am telling you he is no near closer to a face to be laughed or something but that made me smile.

"I know you love jogging, Why are we walking? You know that I love challenges too" I stared at him and then we both laughed.

He walked with me again, before going to the man who is selling food in front of us "Geovy, Do you know the meaning of Rawr?" Pfft how come I don't know that it was junior high that I knew that meaning but this stopped him from walking when I asked. "What does it mean?" in a platonic voice and he faces me while staring in my eyes and I feel that any moment, I would melt not because of heat but with his stare that is surely saying "I l-love you" I blushed because I said that in reality and when he was staring.

I know he is smirking even his lips and nose are covered with face mask, "h-happy?" and he replied with "I love you too". I looked away and smiled as I went first to buy my food.

Ms.Bakla Meets Mr.TomboyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon