Chapter Twenty

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New beginning.

Geovy's P.O.V.

I have the idea what to wear to that gathering because I know some people who are Christians too and what is not to wear and alright in a church since I am a Roman Catholic.

I love my Religion but still open to others. What I mean is, We are made by him and If we just fought because of the differences in serving him, then that isn't probably the right thing to do.

I wore a shirt, pants and a ponytail then a sling bag for my things. I didnt push more make ups, instead the simple me which is just using a powder and some little of lipbalm.

Typical me and go out of the house, early in the morning.

Paolo's P.O.V.

I dressed up with a statement tshirt and a pants, partnered with white shoes. I don't know if I should go earlier or let her wait.

Wait a minute, I am the guy and she might be impressed when I am way earlier than her. I hurriedly went to the meeting place but...

Geovy's P.O.V.

No man or woman especially a Filipino can be earlier or on time like me. Yep, I am the one who is waiting. Like the old days or should I say past.

But I always understand tho, unlike me who loves comfortable state, some people loves to dress up and I bet Paolo is one of them, since I am on the comfortable person type.

I waited like 10 minutes while browsing my social medias and chatting to other friends especially Rellane.

Rellane: Are you sure about going with him? that means a date tho
Me:  Date with Him or Date with God?
Rellane: We both know you love both but hey be careful
Me: (rolled eyes in real life) Just stop it, we are just friends now, okay?
Rellane: Sure,Sure as you said.. Take Care!

Paolo's P.O.V.

Should I disturbed her or spooked her? I stared at her face that was smiling while looking at her phone.

She did not change at all but still look beau- . I gulped when I walk slowly to her because after I finished what I said, she looks at me at smiles then wave her little hand.

Yes, little because she is little.. Her height is only on my shoulder length which makes her cute. I smiled in returned and hoped that my smile doesnt show that Im so happy seeing her again.

Ms.Bakla Meets Mr.TomboyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon