Chapter Twenty Four

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Meet Sensui.

Sensui's P. O. V.

I always feel so disappointed at myself since I don't really get what does courting means.  Even Geovy and me has a 5 year age gap, she never complains about it.  She sometimes find it irritating saying that I love her everyday through texts but for me that means that I am putting an effort but her smile is widely visible, when I gave her one time a letter and bought some of stuff toys for her.

I always wonder if that should be called courting already? She seems pleased when I buy her things but irritated too. I am clearly getting rejected continously because she gets irritated at me.  She isn't on the looks which I guarantee but what does effort really mean?  It hurts me to get rejected but they said,  hurt is visible since you love someone.

Will she love me back or she just met her ex-bestfriend earlier?? That guy looks bulkier than me or chubbier and I can tell he likes Geovy at the way he stares at me.  Is that him,  Geovy?

Geovy's P. O. V.

Why do i keep rejecting Sensui?  Not because of his looks nor his humor but he doesn't really know how to accompany people.  It is tiring to meet him and it was always me who asks that is why mostly we just eat. I sighed at thinking of why I didn't feel what I feel to Paolo at Sensui.

I never looked at appearances since I always play different kind of roles in my life especially sports. I love basketball but talking basketball to Sensui, isn't fun as talking it to Paolo.  Even though Sensui knows basketball since he is playing it,  he seems like treating me a woman who doesn't know anything at all. 

He is a gentleman,  he puts his jacket on my legs if I am on my shorts and looks after me but really,  I still prefer Paolo doing those things. When I am with Paolo, I am careless because I am at ease that we both want to grow and understand each other.

With Sensui,  I am fighting every thought and pushed myself to love him but ended up the talker like Paolo which irritated me always.  The times I am with him,instead I am happy,  a part of me wants him to be just Paolo right away where he really sincerely gives an effort to make me laugh,focus his attention on me and smiles.

Sensui thinks it was love, but i think he just wants to settle down. When he is with me,  he ask normal questions like how is your day and a like but still holding his phone, alternating from talking to me and texting or chatting because of work.

He is a workaholic person which is admiring but also makes me sad. He didn't think those actions can make around him uncomfortable. I just hope he understands that part or else I will reject him for real this time. It is not because of Paolo, It is because of him and I just really don't feel it with him.

I don't feel the genuine happiness that can almost crack my face but only the happiness of having a friend beside me.

I sighed and look at the ceiling. I am over thinking of things again even I don't know what Paolo really feels.

Ms.Bakla Meets Mr.TomboyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon