Chapter Seventy-Four: Nucleus

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As soon as everyone was over the fence, we ran as fast as we could, dodging walkers until we finally made it back into the woods. Daryl took charge, leading us back to where Rick had buried the bag of guns.

"Right here," Daryl points, picking up the shovel that was hidden under the leaves and tossing it to Rick, who promptly starts digging.

"What the hell are we still around here for?" Abraham's voice booms over everyone else as we all huddle around Rick.

"Some guns, some supplies. Everyone line up around the fence and take a rifle," Rick says as he pulls up the bag we had left earlier. "Take them out one by one."

"What?" Glenn asks, confused as to why Rick wants to do this.

"They don't get to live," he answers simply, starting to hand out the guns to everyone.

I tune everyone else out as they all argue over whether or not we should "waste time" killing the rest of those sickos. My vote is for yes, but I don't say anything. One look at me would tell you that I don't need to be involved in decision making right now.

"Carol?" Carl says, causing me to look up at where he's looking, and sure enough Carol Peltier is standing there behind us.

Daryl wastes no time running to hug her, which confuses me because I didn't think they knew each other that well, but whatever. I'm in shock that she's actually standing there. One by one we each walk over to her, taking turns hugging her tightly.

"What the hell happened to you, woman?" Merle asks in amazement. I always thought he had a crush on her.

"Did you do that?" Rick asks, gesturing to Terminus and Carol nods, tears in her eyes.

"Yes. And I got out of Grady," she smiles at us. "I didn't die. They worked on me, and they saved me. After a few months I was finally able to escape, and I've been looking for you all ever since. I've been watching this place for a while and saw them take you in."

"Oh, my goodness, Carol," my mouth gapes in disbelief as I hug her. I never really liked her that much, either, but damn that is one impressive story.

"You all have to come with me," she says, turning and leading our group somewhere.

None of us ask any questions. We just follow her as she leads us to a dirt road. At the end of the road, after only a couple of minutes of walking, we come upon a house. Walking out of the house is Tyreese holding a baby, presumably Judith, in his arms. Rick and Carl immediately drop their things and run, wasting absolutely no time getting to the girl and holding onto her tightly. It brings a tear to my eye. We were all so worried about her.

"Have you all seen Beth?" I finally speak, asking the question we all really wanted to know the answer to.

"No, is she not with you all?" Tyreese looks at us wide eyed.

"No," I frown. "Daryl, where were you when you got split up?"

"A funeral home," his answer is solemn. "I can take us back that way."

"Then that's where we'll go," I say, deciding for all of us.

"No offense, Miss, but we don't have time for that. We need to get Eugene to Washington, D.C.," Abraham steps up, gesturing to the mullet beside of him. "We need to get the cure."

"Did you not pay attention in the train car?" I raise my eyebrow at him and raise my shirt again to reveal my bite mark. "We don't have to travel all the way to D.C. to get a cure. What was your cure anyway, Eugene? Maybe we'll be on the same page."

Zedler, M.D. // Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now