Chapter Seventy-Five: Baked Beans

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I let Beatrix lay beside of me in her underwear until the sun started to set. I knew we had to get back to camp, so I stood and started pulling my pants back on. By now, my shirt and underwear are completely dry and so are Trixy's clothes. She notices me get up and follows me, pulling on her clothes as well.

"Thank you, Daryl," she says, reaching up to kiss my cheek. "Seriously, thank you for everything."

I ain't go no idea why she's thanking me. I'm the one that should be thanking her, practically kissing her feet. How many women would do something like that for me? Hell, how many people would have ever done something like that for me? If you don't know? I sure as shit do and I can tell you that the answer is none.

"I love you," I decide to say in response, pressing my lips against hers. It's been too damn long since I've done that. "Still can't believe you're my wife."

"I know right?" She lets out one of the smallest laughs I've ever heard her produce, but at least it's a laugh and not a cry this time. "It's only been a week but it feels so much longer than that. I haven't even had time to process it, considering our engagement was only an hour long."

"So dramatic," I smirk and shake my head at her, slinging my crossbow over my shoulder as we start to make our way back toward the others.

"Daryl Dixon, I am not dramatic!" She exclaims, lightly pushing my shoulder. I'm glad to see her smiling and in a playful mood again, but it seems too quick. Whenever she gets like she was earlier, it takes a long longer than a couple of hours to see her get back to normal. "We were engaged for all of thirty minutes before you had me in a wedding dress saying 'I do'."

"Beatrix Dixon, you are dramatic. While that might be true, you are dramatic," I smirk back at her before my face falls. "Sorry I never asked you. Do you even want my last name?"

"What? That's a ridiculous question, Daryl," she stops walking, causing me to stop walking, too. "Of course I want your last name. Unless, of course, you wanted mine."

"You know that ain't what I meant," I bring my hand up to bite my thumbnail, only for Trixy to swat it away from my face. "It's just that people with my last name, they don't get respect, ya know, 'cause of my dad and everything."

"Don't be silly, Daryl," she gives me a soft smile once she realizes that I'm being serious. "First of all, who the hell is gonna know your dad now? And second of all, even if everyone I know thought less of me, I wouldn't care. I'm proud to be a Dixon, Daryl, and not just any Dixon, Doctor Dixon."

"First in the family," I mutter, a grin forming on my face. To be honest, I hadn't thought about it like that before. Even though she did the work for it way before I knew her, it still made me proud. It made me proud to know that a Doctor Dixon even existed at all, and it made me even more proud to know that she was proud to own it.

"Definitely not the last," her tone is warm as she places a kiss on my cheek. God, I love her. "Our children will definitely be surgeons, too. I wouldn't love them if they weren't."

"Children? As in more than one?" I raise an eyebrow at her, disregarding the joke she made, even though I could tell by her expression that she thought it was a good one.

"Well, yeah," she trails off, her voice lowering. Fuck, I didn't mean to upset her. "I guess we never really talked about it, since we're actually married now and whatever. I would love to have children one day. And for the record, that was a joke. I would definitely love them if they weren't surgeons."

"I just don't see it happening in a world like this," I rub my hand over my beard. It's not like I want to upset her, but I can't let her live with a false narrative in her head about children that probably wouldn't make it. "Maybe if things ever went back to normal."

Zedler, M.D. // Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now