Chapter Twelve: Dixon Down

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"Good morning," I smile at Carol.

"Morning, Beatrix," she gives me a small smile and continues folding the laundry.

"Got any plans for today?" I ask, grabbing a shirt off the line and deciding to help her

"Well, I kind of had this idea," she says.

"What time is it?" Lori asks, stepping out of her tent. "Why'd you all let me sleep so late?"

"You looked like you needed it," Carol says. "Like I was just getting ready to tell Beatrix, I had an idea that I wanted to run by you."

"What is it?" Lori asks, joining in on folding laundry.

"I was thinking about that nice kitchen they have in there and how much I wouldn't mind cookin' in a real kitchen again," Carol smiles. "Maybe we could cook dinner for Hershel and his family."

"That's a wonderful idea," Lori nods her head and looks at me. "What do you think?"

"I think everybody would love that," I respond and Carol's smile only widens.

"Lori, would you mind extending the invitation?" Carol drops the shirt she was folding into the basket. "You're Rick's wife, which kind of makes you our unofficial First Lady. It'd sound a lot better coming from you."

"Alright," Lori nods. "Do you wanna help cook, Beatrix?"

"I will if you need me to," I shrug. "I'm not the best cook ever."

"You'll do fine, sweetie," she squeezes my shoulder. She's actinglike I'm a child, but I'm not. At the most she's like four years older than me.

"I'm gonna go organize my trailer. That's where I'll be if you need me," I lay the last shirt in the basket and walk over to my trailer.

"Beatrix," Rick calls and waves me over to where he was. "What are your plans for today?"

"I was just gonna move all of my other medical supplies into the trailer and start organizing," I point to the trailer behind me. "Is there something you need me to do?"

"We were just gonna get new search grids today, but if you need to do your trailer that's fine," Rick sighs.

"I'd be more than happy to help look if that's what you need me to do," I say.

"I'm gonna take a horse and head up to this ridge," Daryl points to a place on the map laid out on the hood of the car. "I'll get a bird's eye view of the whole grid. If she's up there, I'll see her."

"Maybe you'll find your chupacabra up there too," T-Dog says sarcastically.

"Chupacabra?" Rick and I ask at the same time.

"You've never heard the story?" Dale asks and Rick and I shake our heads. "First night in camp back in Atlanta, Daryl tells us about this time he went squirrel hunting and saw a chupacabra."

"Seriously?" I laugh and Daryl rolls his eyes.

"You best stop laughing," Daryl points his finger at me, which just makes me laugh harder.

"You belive in a blood sucking dog?" I ask, very amused at the whole situation.

"You believe in dead people walkin' around?" He retorts.

"Daryl, you should take her with you again," Rick says as Daryl gets his flannel buttoned up.

"Nah, I'm better on my own," he says.

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