Chapter Sixteen: Randall

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"Randall's leg is fixed. It was hard getting the muscle and tissue repaired, and he'll have some long-term nerve damage, but other than that, he should be fine. He can be up and walking in about a week," I say as I walk into Hershel's living room. Everyone seems to be discussing Randall's fate, as if they're just going to kill him.

"When he's ready, we give him a canteen, take him out to the main road, and send him on his way," Rick says, placing his hands on hips.

"That's just the same as leaving him for the walkers," Andrea shakes her head as Daryl walks in the house and stands next to me.

"He'll have a fighting chance," Rick shrugs his shoulders.

"So that's it? We're just gonna let him go?" Shane asks, running a hand over his head. "He already knows where we are."

"He was blindfolded the whole way here, not to mention unconscious. He's not a threat," Rick shakes his head.

"Not a threat?" Shane scoffs, "You killed three of their men, took one, and you don't expect them to come lookin'?"

"They left him for dead!" Rick raises his voice. "No one is looking."

"You're about to leave him for dead too!" I speak up. "I swear to God, Rick, if you made me waste medical supplies and get emotionally invested in this boy just so you can take him out and leave him in the middle of nowhere-"

"Beatrix, calm down," Daryl places his hand on my shoulder.

"No, I will not calm down," I half laugh. "I just spent about three hours fixing up this boy's leg, and now you're just going to let him die!"

"We should still post a guard," T-Dog suggests.

"Well I'm just gonna go get him some flowers and candy," Shane scoffs and starts to walk away.

"We haven't even dealt with what you done at my barn yet," Hershel walks over to Shane, pointing his finger and raising his voice. "Let me make this perfectly clear: this is my farm and I wanted you gone. Rick talked me out of it, but that doesn't mean I like it. So do us all a favor and keep your mouth shut."

"Look, we're not gonna do anything about it today," Rick says, looking around at all of us after Shane leaves. "Let's just cool off."

"This is so stupid," I shake my head and look at Daryl. "They have no proof that he's a bad guy."

"Ain't got no proof that he's a good guy either," he shakes his head and leans his shoulder onto the wall.

"But he at least deserves a chance to stay alive," I start to raise my voice again, but then let out a sigh. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't be angry at you."

"It's fine," he bites his thumbnail.

"I need to go find Shane," I mumble and head outside.

"Looking for someone?" Dale asks from on top of the RV.

"Yeah, Shane. Have you seen him?" I put my hand over my face to block the sun and look up at him.

"Went that way with Andrea, but he should be back soon," he points off to the barn. "I agree with you on Randall."

"I'm glad to hear that," I smile. "You're about the only one that does."

"They're being inhumane," Dale shakes his head.

"I know," I let out a sigh. "But it's not like they're going to listen to us. We're the old man and the innocent little girl that doesn't know anything except how to put a bandaid on a cut. That's all we are to them, even though we're much more. It doesn't matter though; They don't care about what we think."

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