Chapter Seventy-Six: Wait, Wine?

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I couldn't believe it, after all the shit we've been through. I truly could not believe how lucky we got with Beth. It was a true miracle. Some psychos could have kidnapped her or anything, but they didn't. She was here, with Gabriel and safe. I didn't want to stop hugging her when I did, but I figured my brother needed a turn with his own girlfriend.

"Come on, Mags," I smile, grabbing onto Maggie's arm and pulling her out of the room. "Let them have their alone time."

"I'm just so happy she's alive, that you're alive, that we're all alive," Maggie wipes her tears with the bottom of her shirt. "Daddy would have been so proud."

"Yes, he would have," I try my best to console her, but it's hard. When my dad died, nothing anybody could say would have made it better. "I'm sorry I've been distant with you."

"Oh, hush," Maggie brushes me off with a light smile. "We've all been through some shit. By the looks of you yesterday, you probably more than most."

"Yeah, probably," I frown, flashbacks from Len and Terminus going through my mind. "But it doesn't matter now. We get to start over. This is our second chance."

"Yes, it is," Maggie smiles and squeezes my hand tightly.

Shortly after, Rick announced that he was taking a group to the food bank in town to try and find some food. I wasn't feeling up for it, so I volunteered to stay back with Carl, Beth, and Judith. Another group were going into town, and Daryl and Carol were going to find some water.

"Hey, guys, before you leave," I call out to everyone, causing them to turn and look at me. "If you find any medical supplies, please bring it. I don't have any anymore."

A few people laughed at me, Merle included, but I didn't care. They all promised to bring back whatever they could find, and that was enough for me. I knew they wouldn't let me down.

While everyone was gone, Beth and I rummaged through Gabriel's drawers in his office, looking for anything juicy. We, unfortunately, only found a pack of band aids. What the fuck is a pack of band aids gonna do? Absolutely nothing. The band aids didn't matter, though, because Merle actually came through for me and handed over a first aid kit that he had found.

I simply could not contain my excitement when I saw Rick's group rolling up with tote fulls of food. I actually let out a squeal when they told me that they were all full of food and that we were going to have a feast tonight. They even had bowls, plates, and spoons. Everyone laughed at me again, but I was starving. I didn't care.

Now, we were all finally eating. Carol, Beth, and I had prepared all of the food, heating some of it up on a fire that Daryl kindly made for us. We're actually getting to eat a nice, hot meal.

"You know, I'm not sure if non-sexual orgasms are a thing, but I think I'm having one right now," I giggle as I stuff my mouth full of sweet potatoes.

"You are so fucking weird," Merle teases me. "About like the rest of the family, I guess."

"Oh, God, shoot me if I'm starting to become like you," I fake gag and Daryl laughs. The room is full of laughter, everyone in their own conversations. It's truly a joyous moment.

"I'd like to propose a toast," Abraham holds up a glass of wine. Wait, wine?

"Wait, where'd you get the wine?" I question, looking around to see that everyone else has a glass, too. "Why didn't I get wine?"

"Beatrix, do you remember the last time you had wine?" Rick asks, raising a brow at me.

"Uh, no?"

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