Chapter Forty-Two: Even More Babies

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"Who are you?" Glenn asks from the top of the guard tower, his gun pointed down at the SUV below. I couldn't make out what they replied; I only head Glenn reply, "What do you want?"

"Bra?" I turn my head to see Carl standing behind me, gripping a gun in his hand.

"Hey, buddy," I mumble, turing my attention away from the situation at the gate. I grab his arm and pull him back towards the hotel. "You don't need to be out here."

"I want to help protect everyone!" Carl exclaims, trying to pull away from me. By now, everyone has heard the commotion, and they're making their way outside.

"I understand, because I do too," I nod. "Just stay back for now, okay? I don't want you to get hurt."

"Beatrix, what do you think you're doing?" Lori asks, walking up and snatching the gun out of Carl's hand. "Are you kidding me right now?"

"Oh my God," I mutter, rubbing my temples. "You're an idiot. I didn't give him that. I told him to stay back."

"Yeah, mom! Dad gave me that gun back at the farm," Carl intervenes.

I raise my eyebrows at her in an "I told you so" way before walking back over to the gate. Glenn has opened the gate, and the SUV is now parked inside of our walls. The three people step out of the vehicle, and I can finally get a good look at them. The man is tall with black hair and a scruffy beard to match, and his wife, I'm assuming, is a tall woman with brown hair. She is also pregnant, as I feared. The teenage girl looks like exactly like the woman. These people seem like a normal family.

"My wife is in labor. You guys have to help us," the man speaks frantically while holding onto his wife. She seemed very calm, though.

"How are we supposed to help you?" Glenn asks, still pointing his gun at them.

"I-I don't know exactly," the man looks down, running his hands through his hair. "We were looking for anybody that could possibly help, and then I saw the girl standing on that post, and she was wearing scrubs. I just assumed she was a nurse or something. I had to take a chance!"

"You mean Beatrix?" Glenn points to me, and I wave my hand awkwardly. "She's a surgeon. She can help."

"Oh, thank God," the man whispers, looking up to the sky, which makes me want to roll my eyes.

"Take her to the kitchen and get her on one of my tables," I instruct Glenn, and he knows what I'm talking about: one of the tables like the one I operated on Daryl on.

"Do you need me?" Beth asks with her hand on my arm.

"Of course," I smile at her. We made our way to my trailer as everyone else began talking about who these new people were and what they wanted.

"What do you need?" Beth asked, rummaging through all of my stuff.

"Clean towels, sterile gloves, masks, clean gowns, suture kit, and a pair of sterile scissors," I tell her as I search for the epidural shot. Once we have everything, we head back inside to find everyone still pointing their guns at a woman that's in labor.

"What the hell are you doing?" I ask, walking into the room and pulling a chair up at the end of the table, between the woman's legs. "This poor woman is having a baby, and you all are pointing guns at her head? Put them away, now. You all can stand outside of the room and interrogate them when their baby is born. Not a word until then."

"Thank you," the woman smiled at me as I draped her legs, helping her get her pants off.

"It's no problem. I'm Doctor Zedler, but you can call me Beatrix if you want," I reply, getting my gown and gloves on. "What's your name?"

Zedler, M.D. // Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now