Chapter Ninety-Six: The Sanctuary

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Negan stands beside me, watching as the doctor pours the ultrasound gel on my stomach. He is also Doctor Carson, and he looks a lot like the one at the Hilltop, so I think that they're brothers. I also make a point, just like before, to keep my hand pressed firmly over my bite so that Negan can't see it. I can't imagine what a fucking disaster that would be. 

"Well hot damn!" Negan exclaims with a whistle, looking at the screen. Sure enough, there are two babies on the screen, looking like little beans. "I can't lie, Beatrix, I really thought you were lying."

"I have no reason to lie to you," I tell him, daring to meet his eyes. "If I lie, then my family dies, right? Then nothing else would matter to me. I might as well be dead."

"Shit, you are one feisty piece of ass!" He laughs as Doctor Carson wipes the gel off of my stomach and helps me sit up. "You aren't a fighter like your husband is, though. He is your husband, right? I'd expect anyone he'd marry to put up a fight."

"I'm not worried about it, honestly, because believe it or not, Negan, you fucked up. Rick is somebody that you don't want to mess with, and you have. You think you've won but you haven't," I keep my gaze locked on his face as I speak, watching how his expression changes with each of my words. "He'll come for me and Daryl, he will. He'll get us back, and he'll kill you. So until then, I'll play along with whatever game you want. I'll submit if that's what you want me to do. I'm just waiting you out."

"How optimistic of you," Negan grits his teeth, clearly pissed off. "But you're wrong, so you better get used to it here. You learn your name, you learn your place, and then we won't have any problems."

"If that's what you want," I smile back at him sweetly, trying to hide the disgust on my face. He killed Abraham. He killed Glenn. He killed Lucas. I will never forget that, and he won't get away with it. For now, yeah, whatever, but Rick won't let this slide. Daryl won't let this slide. I won't let this slide.

"Great! Then it's settled. You'll live here, and just because you're pregnant, your job can be to just stand there and look pretty! And sweetheart, you are pretty. Then, when you get as big as a balloon and pop those rascals out, you can start to fulfill your true purpose in life," Negan's shit eating grin reappears on his face, and I'm almost afraid to hear where he's going with this. "To be one of my wives."

"One of your wives?" I raise an eyebrow at him. I mean, yeah he's handsome, but with the kind of person he is, I have no idea how he was able to pull one wife, let alone multiple.

"Number seven, baby!" He exclaims, happily looking over at the door. Another woman walks in, looking scared. "Sherry, baby, you don't have to worry anymore. We've got two on the way."

"I am so confused," I say out loud, looking between the woman, Sherry, and Negan. She looks very well dressed, wearing a pretty black dress and heels. She has her hair curled and makeup on. She looks nice.

"Sorry, allow me to introduce you to my newest wife, Sherry. Sherry, meet Beatrix," he smiles looking between the two of us. "Sherry and I have been trying to have a baby for what, a couple of months now? She seems to be having some trouble with that, but now here you are! Unfortunate that the fun part's already done though."

"Oh, you think you're going to take my children?" I scoff at him, and Sherry looks shocked at my gesture. "That's not happening."

"No, sweetheart. I won't take them. We're gonna raise them."


After the fiasco in the infirmary, Negan and Sherry lead me upstairs and into a room. When we make it there, Negan dismisses Sherry while I look around. It seems nice enough. It's clean, with a made, queen sized bed in the middle of the room.

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