Chapter Ninety-Eight: Field Trip

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The next several days pass by agonizingly slow. Seriously, each minute I spend at the Sanctuary feels like a thousand years, but I try to make the most of it. Each time I see Negan, I'm able to smile sweetly at him, but what he doesn't know is that, in my head, I'm imagining the hundred different ways I'm going to kill him, and that's what puts the smile on my face.

He did keep his promise, though, and gave me the prenatal vitamins and folic acid that I need. At least he is doing the bare minimum for me after murdering my ex-fiancé and kidnapping my husband and me. The only other good thing about this whole ordeal is that Sherry has been able to sneak down a few times and see Daryl. Well, not see him, but she's been able to talk to him through the door of the room they're keeping him in.

After that first night, she found me and told me about how they're treating him. She had spoken to Dwight, too, and discovered that they were feeding him fucking dog food on bread. I'm not sure if he's eating it or not, but if he gets hungry enough I'm sure he will. We've been there before, before the prison, where some of the group decided to eat dog food, because it was all we could find. I never ate any, but Daryl did, and I remember how nasty it was and how sick he got after eating it.

At this point, I'm almost willing to do anything I have to in order to see him and talk to him. Alone would be great, but honestly I would settle for anything. I'm pretty desperate. I tried to get Sherry to show me how to get back down there, because I was so frazzled the first day that I didn't remember, but she won't. She says it's too dangerous, but I don't care.

I haven't even seen Daryl in regards to the bite. I figure Negan is keeping us apart as some form of torture, and he's having Doctor Carson look at Daryl so that I can't talk to him.

"Whatcha thinking about, sweetheart?" Negan's voice breaks me from my concentration. I move my gaze from the wall to look at him. "Whoa, if looks could kill, I'd be dead ten times over. That's no way to look at your future husband, is it?"

"Sorry, Negan," I close my eyes for a moment so that I can picture myself standing over top of him, blood everywhere, and him begging me to save him. I put a smile on my face before speaking again. "I was just thinking."

"'Bout me?" His smile matches mine, though probably for very different reasons. I simply nod, just to give him what he wants, and his smile seems to only get brighter. "Well good! Because I do, in fact, have a treat for you."

"A treat?" I ask, more intrigued. I'm hopeful that the treat is seeing Daryl, but I know that likely won't happen.

"Yes, ma'am! I am taking a field trip to Alexandria today, and because I am a stand up guy, I thought I'd like you come along," he smiles. "See your family. Mourn your loss."

"Oh," I tilt my head slightly. That's definitely not what I was expecting, but it does please me. I can't believe he's actually offering for me to go, though. He also seems to feel bad talking about Lucas, which he should. "Thank you."

"You are welcome, my love. Now come on," he stands up and offers me his hand. I reluctantly take it, and he keeps ahold of it while he walks us down the stairs and out to the trucks.

There are at least three big, box trucks sit outside waiting on us, and behind them are several pickup trucks waiting. Everyone already seems to be ready and loaded up in the trucks just waiting on us. Negan kisses the top of my hand as he helps me climb into the biggest black box truck in the front. I once again sit in the middle, with one of the Saviors driving and Negan in the passenger seat.

The whole drive over, I try to quickly think of some kind of plan. I know that I won't be able to make any moves with everyone around, but I will be able to talk to Rick and hopefully give him some helpful information. Maybe I can talk to Daryl, too. I'll definitely have to go to the graves, too, to visit everyone I've lost. It also dawns on me that I don't know what happened to Maggie, if she's okay or if her baby is okay. I'll have to find out.

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