Chapter Eighty-Five: Last Chance

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If you saw when I uploaded this before, I'm sorry. I rewrote it :) only the first few paragraphs are the same. ily



The rest of the party goes very smoothly, until it's time for Beth to sing. I keep checking the door, waiting for Daryl, but I haven't seen him yet.

"I'm a little nervous," Beth confesses to me. "I haven't sung in front of people in a long time, especially people I don't know, and especially songs I wrote."

"Don't be nervous, Beth. You have a beautiful voice, and your songs are great," I assure her, squeezing her hand.

"Did I miss it?" Daryl's voice comes from behind me, and I turn to fling my arms around his neck.

"No, you're just in time," I smile as I pull away. "I was worried you weren't gonna come at all."

"I told you I'd be here," he mumbles, looking to his feet. He looks cute in his little long sleeve button up with his vest on top. He still has on his holey jeans, though, but at least he took his red handkerchief out.

"Good luck, Beth," I smile, giving my best friend a hug as she heads to the front of the room. There's no mic or band or anything, so she's just singing. "I've been listening to her sing these songs for months now. She wrote them on her own."

"Seriously?" Daryl seems surprised as Beth's voice starts to fill the room.

"It isn't surprising. She has a real talent for it," I smile, listening to her voice. "Do you want anything to drink? I really want some more champagne."

"More champagne?" He smirks at me. "You'll probably black out."

"I will not," I playfully hit his arm before going to grab us each a drink.

"Now if I let you drink this, you gonna be like the first time you got drunk with me or the last time?" He holds the champagne away from me playfully.

"Give it an hour and find out," I wink at him, which earns me the champagne glass back.

"From morning to dusk

Tears causing rust

On all of our weapons"

As Beth sings her first song, Weapons, I think about how accurate some of her lyrics are. I guess they're supposed to be inspired by the apocalypse, but I just am amazed at how well she was able to write them.

The Alexandrians seem to really enjoy her singing to, even though they don't have a clue what her songs are about. My brother stares at his girlfriend, smiling as she sings. I know he's proud of her, and it makes me happy for them. Even though I still think it's so strange, I'm happy that they found each other.

"Okay, one last song," Beth smiles, looking around at everyone. "This one is for two of my very best friends, who may or may not have inspired the song, Beatrix and Daryl."

"The hell?" Daryl whispers to me, taking a sip of his whiskey.

"Oh, I helped her write this one!" I giggle, finishing off my second glass of champagne. "I'll sing it to you, if you want."

"Didn't know you could sing," he raises his eyebrow, and I giggle.

"I can't."

"You've got bad dreams
from the broken wedding rings
That you keep under your pillow while you sleep

And there's open spaces
Blank faces
When you search for answers on the street

Oh, there's no one left to call
Nothing much to say
Pretty sure the world is gonna end today

Zedler, M.D. // Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now