Chapter Fifty-Eight: Second Time

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"Daryl, please just listen to me," I beg, holding onto his very-healthy arm.

"Why the hell should I listen to you?" He raises his voice, pulling his arm from my grasp. "You made out with your ex fiancé right in front of me!"

"Oh, my god, right in front of you?" I roll my eyes at him as I cross my arms over my chest. "Are you stupid? Did you not see me literally push him off?"

"Because you knew I was coming!" he retorts, his voice still raised. "Hell, if you weren't out in the open, you probably would have fu—"

"Daryl stop!" I scream, attracting attention from everyone, but I honestly don't give a shit anymore. "You're literally crazy if you think that. And why are you acting like I want to be with him so bad? You know I don't."

"I could see it, Beatrix," he turns his body a little away from mine. "He's just like you. He's who you wanna be with."

"No he's not, Daryl. I don't know what you think you saw, but you didn't," I soften my tone with him. He's just hurt, and I can see why. "I don't love him, and I don't want to be with him. I was the one that called our engagement off. I left him. Daryl, I didn't want him. I still don't."

"You sure about that?" He says, still facing away from me. I place a hand on his shoulder, and he tenses up but lets me stay. "He's perfect for you. Smart and educated just like you. He's a doctor just like you. Why would you want someone like me when you could have someone like him?"

"Can't you see, Daryl?" My lip quivers. I love Daryl with everything in me. I would never leave him for Lucas, no matter what Lucas had or who he was. "None of that matters anymore. A degree doesn't mean anything now. Money doesn't mean anything now. All that matters now is that I love you!"

By the end of my rant, tears are falling down my cheeks. I really didn't want to cry, but I can't help it. There's a time for me to be strong, and then there are times like now, when he needs to know how much I care. When Daryl hears my sniffles, he turns around, and I can see that his eyes are red too. It doesn't seem like he's been crying but he looks like he's about to.

"I just need time, Beatrix," he says, letting his head hang down so I can't see his face anymore.

"Please stop calling me that," I whisper, taking one of his hands into mine.

"I'm gonna go talk to him," he decides, dropping my hand.

"Baxly or Lucas?" I question, following closely behind him as he stalks off toward the prison.

"Lucas. I need to make sure he ain't gonna bother you anymore," he answers, throwing the door open as he enters Cell Block D, not caring who or what hears him.

"Daryl, please don't," I beg him. I really don't care about Lucas, but I don't want Daryl to hurt him. All it will do is cause a big time and make everyone mad at each other. I grab onto his arm, trying to make him stop, but he just keeps moving. "Daryl please stop!"

"Hey, she said to stop," Lucas says, stepping out of a cell and in front of Daryl. "So stop."

"I'll stop when you're dead," Daryl says in a tone so low I can hardly hear him. I stand frozen as he grabs Lucas by the shirt collar and pushes him up against the nearest wall.

"No need to fight, I just wanted to make sure Trixy was okay," Lucas holds his hands up defensively.

"Daryl," I frown, another tear slipping out of my eye. "Please just let him go. Don't make this situation worse than it already is."

Zedler, M.D. // Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now