Chapter Fifty-Six: The Fall of Woodbury

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The next several days seem to last forever, having nothing to do other than my daily half an hour with Martinez and Milton. I would have driven myself crazy if Milton hadn't given me another pen and journal so that I could write every day. I have high suspicions that they've been treating me well because they don't want to piss me off and risk me stopping my treatments. Otherwise, I have a feeling I would have met with The Governor more than once by now.

Also, I haven't seen Shane since he stormed out of my cell on my first day here. I don't know what he's been up to, and I'm almost scared to know. I also don't understand what's taking everybody so long to get here and get me out of this hellish place. If they don't come soon, I'm going to have to fight my way out somehow.

"Let's go," my guard says, causing me to jump and place my pen down. Following after him, just like I do every day, we both make our way to the medical bay.

I open the door to see Milton and Martinez, per usual. However, this time there's someone else that makes my body tense up.

"Well, well, well, our very own doctor has blessed us with her presence today," The Governor gives me a sinister smile that makes me want to vomit.

"I'm here every day," I roll my eyes and cross my arms, walking over to scrub. No matter how uneasy he makes me, I can't show it. "You made sure of that, remember?"

"I remember you slitting the throats of two of my best men," I freeze as he says this, because I fear of what he's going to do to me for it. "Two that we need today when we go kill your family."

"You said there was a ceasefire if they made the trade," I quickly say, not wanting him to hurt any of the people in the prison, especially Daryl and Baxly.

"They didn't make that trade," The Governor explains, pacing around the room as Milton and Martinez stay silent. "You gave yourself up. That was for you boyfriend, right? The truce was for your samurai, and I haven't seen her yet," he points to his missing eye. "Of course, thanks to her, I can't see much of anything anymore."

"I won't help you. If you hurt them you would have to kill me, because I will stop at nothing to take you out," I glare at him, wiping my hands off on a dry towel.

"Well after today, you will have outlived your usefulness to us. Shane told us fifteen doses, and today is number fifteen. Milton can handle it from now on."

"And what if it doesn't work? Then what?" I raise my eyebrow, getting angrier with every second that passes by.

"Then that's a risk you're going to have to take."

With that, another one of The Governor's men bursts through the door, once again with a walker on a harness. I assume it's for more blood, so I look for something to kill it with. However, Milton stops me and just hands me a syringe and a vial of blood. I take them both, filling the vial as full as it can get. Martinez shrugs his shirt off, giving me room to inject the blood into his body.

As soon as I'm finished bandaging it up, I'm pushed out of the way, falling to the ground. My mouth drops in horror as I watch the sight in front of me. I'm frozen in place as The Governor grabs Martinez's arm, holding it right up for the walker to bite it. Martinez screams out in agony as the walker pulls the flesh from his arm.

The Governor lets go of his arm, causing him to sit back and cradle it as blood gushes out of the wound. "What the hell man?"

"Stop the bleeding, Doctor Zedler. That's your job, right?" The Governor asks sarcastically, but I waste no time getting up and tending to the wound.

Zedler, M.D. // Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now