Chapter One Hundred and Five: Time for War

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•one hundred and five•


The next several days are intense, in a way that puts all of us on edge. With the threat of Negan hovering over us, nobody has felt safe, and I'm pretty confident that none of us have slept more than a few hours.

After the battle at Alexandria, the leaders of the three communities (Maggie, Rick, and King Ezekiel) got together and joined their people in the fight. Since then, Alexandria has been the place for everyone to stay at while they figure out what the hell we're going to do.

By the time the big day comes, the day they plan to attack the Sanctuary, Daryl, Rick, and Baxly have all made it abundantly clear that I am to stay put at Alexandria. With me being in my second trimester and sporting a decently sized baby bump now, they all said that I don't need to be going out into a bunch of walkers and risking my life. I mean, I get it, but the walkers can't hurt me. I want to be there to help, and Daryl and I are the only ones that can.

"Sis, we're being nice enough letting you defend Alexandria instead of sending you away to Oceanside. You know, we could still send you off to keep you safe," Baxly crosses his arms at me, looking to Rick and Daryl.

"No, I am not going to Oceanside. I've never even met those people," I roll my eyes and lean on the car beside of me. I'm starting to run out of breath just standing up now. "All I'm saying is that I could blend in with the walkers, you know? Go in and make sure we take Negan out."

"Not happening," Daryl shakes his head, putting his foot down. "End of discussion."

"So you're allowed to go out and help but I'm not?" I frown at Daryl before looking to Rick and Baxly. "They're his babies, too, you know. I think that if I have to stay, he should, too."

"Yeah, well he's not the one that's pregnant," Rick says, and I know I'm not going to win this one. "Besides, I need someone I trust to stay and look after Carl and Judith."

"I'm not a babysitter."

"Yeah, well, you will be soon enough," Baxly laughs, though I don't think it's very funny.

I huff and place my hand on my bump before a wave of nausea hits, causing me to stumble backwards and vomit. This time, I didn't even have enough time to turn around, so I almost puked all over the three men in front of me. It's a shame I missed.

"You pissed them off," I flip the three of them off.

"I'm sure it won't be the last time," Rick smiles at me before hugging me, followed by Baxly. "We love you, Bea."

"Love you guys, too," I frown as the two of them walk away, leaving Daryl behind.

"Ya know we just want to protect you, right? Keep you and the twins safe," he mutters, picking at his nails again. "I know you want to kill him, but you're getting pretty far along now. You gotta take it easy."

"I know," I sigh, stepping forward so that I can lay my head on his shoulder. "I just want to help. I want to be a part of the reason that motherfucker goes down."

"You already are," he kisses the top of my head before pulling away. "I gotta go. Watch out for Carl. I'll be back for you, I promise."

"Be safe," I lean up to kiss him. "I love you."

"I love you, too," he says before squatting down to be eye level with my stomach. "And I love you two."

I smile at the interaction. Ever since I told him a few days ago that he should talk to them, he's made it a point to do it every time he sees me. It makes my heart swell. It still hurts to watch him leave, though. As soon as they're all gone and the gates are shut, I let my tears flow freely. I didn't want to let them out when Rick, Daryl, and Bax could see me.

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