Chapter One Hundred and Two: One of Each

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•one hundred and two•


The next morning, I was relieved when Daryl actually woke me up. I really thought he would leave me at the Kingdom, but I am so glad that he didn't. I wouldn't have felt safe there without him.

They offered us a vehicle to take back to the Hilltop, but Daryl didn't want to draw any unnecessary attention to ourselves, so we walked. It was a long enough car ride on the way over, and walking felt like an eternity. I really didn't want to bitch about it, but I am pregnant and my feet started to feel like they were on fire. When I finally said something, Daryl sighed and put me on his back, saying we didn't have time to stop. Under any other circumstances, there's no way I would have let him carry me the rest of the way, but now I don't argue with him.

"You can put me down now, Dare," I say once the Hilltop walls are within eyesight. He walks a few more steps before squatting and letting me climb off of his back. "Thank you."

He doesn't answer, but instead throws his crossbow onto his back and picks up his pace until we're safely inside the walls of the Hilltop again.

"I thought you were staying in the Kingdom," Maggie comments, smiling when she sees us.

"We were. It ain't where we need to be right now, though," Daryl answers for us, and Maggie's smile softens even more. "Put us to work."

"Well I'm sure you're both exhausted coming over here on foot. It's a long walk from the Kingdom," she says, leading us over to one of the trailers. Inside is like a mini hotel room, and she pours us both a tall glass of cold water. "Rest for a while. Do you want some fruit?"

"Fruit would be great," I smile at her, taking a seat at the table in the middle of the room, while Daryl sits off to the side. I basically chug my water, and Maggie pours me glass after glass until I feel like I'm about to burst. "Where's the bathroom?"

"Over there," she points to the door in the corner of the room, and I sigh in relief.

I all but sprint over to the bathroom, even then barely making it in time. Pregnancy bladder is no joke. I've never felt the urge that fast before in my life. It's crazy.

When I come back out of the bathroom, Maggie and Daryl's heads both look to me, stopping whatever they were talking about. I tilt my head to the side slightly, wondering what they were talking about.

"Everything okay?" I ask, my hand subconsciously landing on my lower stomach.

"You're starting to show," Maggie says, a soft smile on her face as he eyes fixate on my stomach.

"Really?" My mood instantly perks up as I look down, pulling my shirt up so that I can get a better look. "I guess it's easy to start showing early when you're starving."

I let out a half laugh, a smile on my face as I look down at the small bump that's growing inside of me. Daryl and Maggie don't think my joke is very funny, though.

"I'll get you something," Daryl volunteers, standing up and walking out of the trailer.

"I don't know what's wrong with him," I sigh and flop down on one of the chairs around the table. "He's different, Mags. Something happened to him in there."

"He'll come around. He always does for you," she reassures me, giving my arm a soft squeeze. "You're his person."

"He thought I wanted to be with Negan," I say with a frown, looking down at my nails as I pick the skin around them.

Before Maggie can respond, Daryl opens the door, carrying a plate of food with Enid trailing behind him. I smile once I see the girl, wrapping my arms around her tightly in a hug.

Zedler, M.D. // Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now