Chapter Sixty-Four: The Box

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On the way back to cell block A, I hear coughing. Shit, I think to myself.

"Beatrix?" Shane breathes out as he rounds the corner, nearly running into me. "You might wanna back up," he holds his hand up to keep me away, but it's too late. He already managed to get some of his blood on me. "Shit, I'm sorry."

"Hey, it's okay," I keep myself calm. "We need to get you to A."

"I know," he coughs again. "I was on the way."

"Well, we can go together," I give him a soft smile and wrap my arm under his shoulders to help him walk.

When we get to Cell Block A, I help Shane into an empty cell before going to fetch him some cough syrup. I know it won't do a lot, but something is better than nothing.

"Another one?" Lucas asks as I get back from washing Shane's blood off of my arm in the bathroom.

"Yeah, it's Shane," I frown, crossing my arms as I stand beside him.

"Doctor S is in a cell on the second floor. He's getting worse," Lucas mimics my frown as he looks around the room. "We're up to ten now."

"Shit," I rub my hands over my face in frustration. "It's spreading so fast. I just hope they can hurry back with the antivirals. We might all be dead by the time they get back if they don't hurry."

"I'm sure Daryl has it under control," he reassures me, earning a look of confusion.

"You're saying something nice about Daryl?" I raise my eyebrow at him, lifting my hand to feel of his forehead. "Do you have a fever too?"

"No," he swats my hand away. "That's just his area of expertise. We need to trust him to do his thing, just as much as he's trusting us to do ours."

"Everybody is acting so strange today," I shake my head as I go over to my medical room to gather supplies for my rounds.

I mean honestly, everyone is acting strange today: Lucas, Daryl, Tyreese, Baxly, Merle, and Rick, but then again, Rick is constantly acting weird since Lori died. Literally everyone that's close to me. I don't get it.



The drive to the vet college is awkward, to say the least. Me, Michonne, my brother, Trixy's brother, and Bob all in one tiny ass car. Zack's tiny ass car.

"I should have brought my car," Trixy laughed to herself. "It totally could have smoked this one."

I shake my head, trying to get her out of my damn head for thirty seconds, but it's nearly impossible. Especially with what I've been planning lately, it's been harder than ever to get away from her, even in my own mind. Not that I want to get away from her, I just need to get things done.

"Hand me one of those CDs," I break the silence talking to Michonne as I point to the dash. There's a whole case of them in there.

Michonne flips through the CD case before pulling one out and handing it to me. I look down to see what she chose. I roll my eyes at her and push it in the CD player anyway. I expect Fall Out Boy to start playing, but as soon as I turn the radio on, the sound of someone talking fills the car, though it's very staticy. 

"Listen," I say, turning the volume up.

"Survive...... Term.... Arrive... Sanctuary..." 

I can't quite make out any more than four words. I try to mess with the frequency so that the sound is clearer, but it isn't seeming to work.

"Fuck," I curse as I look up, swerving the car away from a walker in the middle of the road, only to run into a dozen more. One slams into the windshield, cracking it and leaving a blood streak. I slam on the breaks, only for the car to get swarmed. 

Zedler, M.D. // Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now