Chapter Ninety-Five: Vampire Bat

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The sound of the bat hitting the top of Abraham's head imprints in my brain, making it a sound I will likely never forget. I try to shut my eyes, to look away, but I can't. It's like a terrible car wreck. I don't want to look, but I have to. I have to watch as this fucking psycho brings his barbed wire wrapped bat down on Abraham's head repeatedly, his blood squirting all over Daryl and Sasha.

"Look at that! Taking it like a champ! Damn!"

Negan seems almost impressed, the smile still on his face as Abraham stays sitting up straight, barely letting the blows to his head affect him. Three more hits knock Abraham to the ground, but he pushes himself back up.

"Suck my nuts," Abraham manages to breathe out his last words before Negan strikes the bat on his head again, this time keeping him on the ground.

Abraham lies in a puddle of blood as Negan keeps on hitting his head, laughing as he does so until there's nothing left except for a puddle of blood and flesh. Even then, he still keeps beating on him, and I have to look at way.

"Damn, that was good!" Negan laughs again, and I have never wanted to kill someone more in my life. I keep my eyes glued to the ground, flinching when I feel a few specks of blood splatter onto me. "Guys, look at my dirty girl!"

He moves to stand in front of Rosita, holding out the bloody bat in front of her face as if it's some kind of a sick joke to him. He keeps on laughing, shoving the bat in her face and taunting her.

"Red there, and he was, is, and will forever be red, just took one, or six or seven for the team!" Negan exclaims, and I have to look at him shoving Abraham's blood into Rosita's face. She's right beside of Daryl, who is now covered in Abraham's blood and seething with rage. I can see it from all the way over here. "So take a damn look!"

Before Rosita can react, Daryl jumps up and slams his fist into Negan's face.

"Daryl, no!" I scream, keeping my knees firmly planted on the ground. I don't want to risk anything, but I can't keep myself from yelling for my husband. What the hell is he thinking?

Daryl lunges after him, but Negan's men quickly have him tackled and pinned to the ground in a headlock, Dwight pointing his own crossbow at his head. My chest feels like it's going to explode. I can't handle this.

"No, oh no. That right there is a big no no!" Negan exclaims, laughing as he points the bat at Daryl's head. "You see, not one ounce of that shit flies around here. Not even a little."

"Do you want me to do it?" Dwight asks, excitement laced in his voice.

"Please don't!" I scream, gripping my hair tightly in my hands. "Don't hurt him."

"And who are you, sweetheart?" Negan moves his attention from Daryl and over to me. He slowly walks over, hovering his bat in front of my face now. "Come on, now. Tell me your name."

"Beatrix," I answer, forcing myself to look up and meet his gaze. His smile is wide as he looks down at me.

"Well, Beatrix, that shit right there doesn't fly with me, not what Daryl did, and you telling me what to do sure as shit doesn't fly with me," he raises his bat up high over my head.

"Stop! She's pregnant," Lucas yells from beside me, stopping Negan dead in his tracks with the bat only inches away from my face.

"Oh, well, sweetheart, why didn't you just say so?" Negan relaxes, dropping the bat from my face and back down to his side. "I might be a lot of things, but a baby killer isn't one of them. You don't look very pregnant, though."

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