Chapter One Hundred and Four: The Beginning

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•one hundred and four•


"Holy goddamn!" Negan exclaims as he falls backwards off of the truck bed, Sasha landing on top of him.

As soon as Negan is down, somebody fires first. I'm not sure who it is, but I follow their lead, turning on the man behind me and putting a bullet in his chest. I turn back to the Saviors, aiming for Negan, but I don't see him anywhere, so I settle for some of the breathing sacks of shit I recognize, hitting several of them before Daryl pulls me back.

"Beatrix, you get the hell out of here!" He yells, trying to push me back as he shoots at the people around us. "Go on."

"Not a chance," I shake my head and put my back to his, shooting anybody that I don't recognize from Alexandria. There's not enough time to try and decide who's good or not.

Daryl and I keep our backs pressed together as we move through the streets of Alexandria, bullets flying all around us. We watch each other's backs, killing anybody that gets too close. Soon, I run out of ammo and have to drop my gun. Daryl drops his too, but he's able to pick up another one. I'm not as lucky, so I pull out my IV pole.

"Shit, come on," he mutters, pulling me by my arm. I almost fall as he pulls me down the steps toward where the prison cell is. "They've got us outnumbered. Can't go back out there. Not right now."

"Daryl, I don't know where everyone is. We can't leave them," I shake my head quickly. "We have to do something."

"Okay, fine, you follow after me, all right? We're going after him," Daryl finally decided, reloading his gun quickly before we start to creep up the stairs. "Stay with me."

The two of us slowly make it up the stairs, taking out several of the Saviors as we make it back to the street. Daryl takes out the ones that are farther away, and when they get too close, I use my IV pole to stab into them.

"Get on your knees," somebody behind me says, and I feel the barrel of a gun push into my back for the second time today. "Now!"

"Dare," I say, panicked, because before he can turn around, another Savior has a gun pressed to his back, too.

The two of us share a look before we slowly start to get on our knees. My eyes fixate on the group of men a few dozen yards away from us. They all surround Negan, who has Rick and Carl on their knees. I watch in horror as Negan flicks off Carl's hat and raises Lucille high above his head.

Before he can bring the bat down, though, everyone is shocked as Shiva seemingly jumps out of nowhere, ripping into the throats of one of the Saviors. We use their surprise to our advantage, and Daryl and I turn at the same time. As he shoots his guy, I shove my IV pole into my guy's throat, blood squirting out everywhere.

"A goddamn tiger!" Negan screams, his pussy ass ducking behind one of his men as they try to lead him away.

"Alexandria will not fall, not on this day!" Ezekiel's voice booms over the gunfire as he and the other people of the Kingdom join the fight. "Kill these Saviors, every last one of them!"

Daryl and I turn the other way, heading towards Negan. I smile when I see Maggie appear with people from the Hilltop, Jesus and Enid included. The relief I feel right now, knowing that everyone decided to come and fight with us, is unimaginable. It can't be masked, though, by my desire to find and kill Negan.

The two of us stick together, killing Savior after Savior as we make our way back to the gate. We lose sight of Negan when smoke bombs start to go off. A hand grabs me from behind, and I don't even try to see who it is before I turn and hit them with the end of my pole, sending them to the ground. When I look down to see it's a Savior, one that I recognize as being one of Negan's top men, it brings me great enjoyment to shove my IV pole into his throat. His screams fill my ears, and I have to be pulled back by Daryl.

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